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Khasara Episode 5 – Review!

Ohkay so, this episode of Khasara was pretty basic with nothing much happening in it apart from Sila’s constant nagging.

Sila returned to her town after getting treated nicely by Mohtasim & even Linta. Linta chose to see Moanis & Sila off on a good note because she just wanted to get done with all this as she had an important matter to take care of.

Ever since Sila returned, she couldn’t stop talking about how perfect Linta & Mohtasim’s life & relationship was. Sila wants Moanis to do well, she does say that she wants the best for her children which to be honest seems like an excuse. Sila herself is quite greedy, yes there’s a difference between dreaming big or positive & being downright immature, greedy & unthankful. Sila wants a luxurious life & with Moanis, that is so not going to happen, that is why she doesn’t even respect him.

Arzoo was still hovering around & I find it funny especially now that Linta herself saw everything that happened at Arzoo’s place. The things that Linta said to the applicant looking for the job were ridiculous. Even though I totally completely blame Mohtasim but now I feel the rumours about Linta being insane aren’t wrong either. I say that because despite witnessing everything herself, she still believes by doing all these things, she will be able to prevent Mohtasim from cheating on her again?

Sila is annoying & now I have all the more reasons to feel that way about her because she easily ignored the indecent touch of Mohtasim. They both met again & even then, Sila was more worried about leaving a bad impression on him & not about the way he once again made a physical contact with her? I wish they had shown Sila to be newly married or a girl who doesn’t have kids because this much immaturity coming from a mother of 2 grown up kids is hard to believe. It is hard to believe that Sila couldn’t feel the indecency in Mohtasim’s intentions because women are quite instinctive but like Areeba said, she is too blinded by the idea of his perfectness that she can not see beyond that, but again, all this coming from a mum of 2 – unbelievable! Also, Sila was in a braid the entire day but she had to have those perfectly done curls just when she was brooming her house right before Mohtasim came? I feel a lot of unnecessary effort has gone into making Sonia Mishal look like a vision, I repeat, unnecessary.

Areeba & Azhar’s track is boring, unnecessary & forced. Too tired of seeing a wife feeling guilty for not bearing a child for her good-for-nothing husband who is obviously not even emotionally attatched to her. Areeba’s pleading in front of her crying husband telling him not to work hard was so bizarre. Azhar has given Areeba quite a hard time for such a long time so she should have felt uneasy seeing him being overly nice. I am sure Azhar’s character is only added to cause troubles in Moanis’ professional life because then he will start working for Mohtasim & that will give Mohtasim a chance to be near Sila. Also, why is it that every single conversation of Sila & Areeba has to end on Sila rubbing Areeba’s childlessness to her face & then apologizing for it, making herself look like an even bigger idiot. They have been best of friends for quite some time now so if there’s one person who should be conscious of not hurting Areeba when it comes to this matter, it is Sila but like I said, she takes annoyance to another level. I am not really sure with what mindset the writer wrote the character of Sila, like is she showing us how a wife & a mum shoud NOT be or is she showing us how cute or innocent an idiotic nagging wife like Sila is that she doesn’t even feel alarmed when a man touches her indecently, as far as he is rich?

The amount of flirting that is happening with the married women in this drama is cringe worthy. Linta’s cousin was also introduced to show that in the end when Mohtasim will cheat on her & she will leave him, she will go to him eventually because he is still hopelessly in love with her. The cousinly concern was so not coming through, it was too obvious that he was still sore that Linta chose to get married to Mohtasim.

So far this drama is nothing special. The dialogues are pretty hideous. The conversation between Mohtasim & Moanis regarding cheating on their wives was full of cringe too. Sonia Mishal really needs to improve her acting, I have heard quite a lot of good things about her acting but every single time I fail to see what the hype or praising is all about. She is pretty monotonous & that typical dialogue delivery doesn’t help either. Please share your thoughts.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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