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Khudgarz Episode 23 Review – Emotional!

This episode focused on Hassan’s redemption & even though the story has moved forward & is now showing a different perspective & even though everything was shown convincingly, I just felt this void while watching this episode because Aairah was not there.

Hassan came back & Munawwar got to share what he wanted to. Even though Munawwar is guilt stricken, it was unfair that he was now holding Hassan responsible for everything while completely forgetting that he is equally responsible for whatever transpired as well. Munawwar can not not hold himself responsible for whatever happened because firstly, he facilitated Hassan & gave him the edge to do whatever he wanted to & secondly, he chose to overlook Junaid’s niceness & deliberately misunderstood him only to prove his love to Hassan. Munawwar himself was never a role model for Hassan so how can he now blame him for everything!

Hassan realized the grave mistakes that he has committed & he just didn’t know what he could do to make amends. Hassan started off by making Dua’s future secure & then he couldn’t resist getting attached to her because he felt this way, he will be able to put his apology across to Junaid & Aairah. I liked how throughout this episode, this fact kept on surfacing again & again that once the time is lost, no matter how hard you try, you are never at ease as you just don’t know whether whatever you are doing is enough or not & if you will be forgiven or not. Hassan & Munawwar’s discussion about transferring money to Dua’s account seemed just so meaningless because no amount, absolutely nothing could compensate the loss of her parents & even they knew that all this was just superficial as what truly matters will never be hers & they won’t be able to provide it to her.

Abeer finally came & she took Dua with her but even Salma had a change of heart but Abeer stood her ground. It was sad to see Dua being parted from Hassan as he truly grew closer to her & genuinely treated her as his own flesh & blood. The scene where they showed Hassan taking care of Dua was so emotional & sweet. I also liked that Omar’s character was still present & Hassan went back to him to have a heart to heart.

Overall, it was another convincing episode of Khudgarz but I just felt this emptiness because two main characters were gone. I must say, strong direction & phenomenal acting is still keeping this drama worth tuning to because usually when the main characters are gone, viewers don’t really get anything to tune to it. Sami Khan has outdone himself once again & it is so good to see him giving one phenomenal performance after another. Please share your thoughts.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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