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Koi Chand Rakh Episode 21 Story Review – Boring

Opening Thoughts – Borinaga:

Ohkay so, this episode of Koi Chand Rakh was absolutely boring. There was nothing special or new that happened in this episode. I think this is the kind of drama that the channel should air double episode of because we need to get done with this quickly considering the superfast pace that it has (coughing sarcasm).

Frustrating Flashbacks:

I guess if we rely on the water meter, it will tell us the amount of gallons Rabail has filled so far with her tears because apart from doing rosy pink makeup, that’s the only other thing that she does. All the weak people around Rabail are speaking about the courage that she has shown but I can’t see it even after so much of an emphasis on it. I don’t really understand why do we get to hear the dialogues as flashbacks again & again that have been blurted 2 seconds ago? It just makes the entire episode boring, slow & like a school lesson that the teacher is repeatedly feeding into students’ minds. Nishal & Zain’s dialogues that they just said a minute ago were echoing in the background when the camera was focusing on Rabail. I guess since there’s nothing much to be shown in terms of her personality, this is how the director makes her look like a bigger bechari!

Nishal & Zain are having the time of their lives & Zain thinks he has scored himself a trophy wife that is why he enjoys all of her badtameezis & covers them up. Gulshan has started to realize that Nishal is like a thorn in her garden who is not only ill-mannered but is also pulling Zain away from everyone. For the first time Gulshan felt the need to compare Rabail with Nishal & see how good Rabail is but then what’s the use of all this when she can not do anything to help her. Nishal is exploiting Zain using the love he has for her but then they both deserve each other so it’s alright. I find it funny that the scenarios are so shallow in this drama!

Umair is ready to bring his life back on track & he is doing all that so that Rabail can live in his house without hesitating. It is good that Umair has realized that there’s no point in wasting his life. Nafeesa obviously has always sided with Nishal, no wonder Nishal takes after her mother, so yes, Nafeesa now wanted Nishal to work her way up in that family because she is insecure about her position due to Rabail’s pregnancy. What a conniving fox I must say.

Zia Bhai wasn’t as smart as I thought he was after all. He came back & regretted everything that he did. Obviously, this will further prove Rabail’s niceness to Sobi & Gulshan when Zia will come seeking Sobi’s proposal after getting treated from Rabail. Sobi not only lacks brains but self respect too, I mean this guy dumped her right before their engagement & now there she is ready to eat a laddu again in the next episode, lol!

Closing Thoughts – Poorly Written:

Koi Chand Rakh is that kind of a drama which is poorly written. The characters are worse with no depth or personality. The psychotic ones are celebrated & the good ones are oppressed. There’s absolutely nothing new or interesting about this drama & that makes me wonder why did such high profile actors like Ayeza Khan & Imran Abbas agree to work in it? It’s going to be a mystery exactly the way the straightness of Rabail’s hair & rosiness of her cheeks is that too in such a depressing situation. Please share your thoughts about this episode of Koi Chand Rakh.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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