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Kun Faya Kun Episode 5 – Story Review

Opening Thoughts – Misleading Preview:

Ohkay so, this episode of Kun Faya Kun was completely opposite to what was shown in the preview last week. It seems the preview was misleading & whatever they showed in last week’s preview will be happening in the next episode. After watching this episode, I now get why they deceived the viewers because there wasn’t much that happened in this episode other than showing the mindset of Mashal & how she continued to blame everything on her luck.

Mashal’s Perspective:

Mashal is struggling emotionally & spiritually. Mashal has lived a life which is not so ideal according to her own perspective. Mashal is immature that is why she compares her life to that of Bisma & Areesha’s, which is why she always feels she falls short on everything. I know Mashal’s mental & emotional growth will be shown in the future episodes, but for once I feel it would’ve been nice to hear her being thankful for something. I know, she has acknowledged the fact quite a lot because of Appa Jee, she feels secure but other than that, she struggles. I will however say that Mashal’s character is a depiction of each one of us. We always hit such emotional rock bottoms every now & then where we question why we are being subjected to something that is unfavorable or not according to our plans. In the scene where I saw Mashal sitting on the side of the road, cursing her life & her circumstances, it seemed very relatable because many times, every single human being feels that way. Each one of us go through this emotional journey filled with ups & downs where we are unable to see the bigger picture.

Mashal found herself in an unfavorable situation in this episode. She could not make it to her home on her own & when she sat there, uncertain, she continued to blame herself for the misfortune she has always experienced. Mashal’s character, though one-dimensional is still very real & relatable. I like that they have also focused a lot on her age, because it does complete the entire picture & shows that even bringing yourself to truly have a complete faith in Allah also requires experience & maturity, which Mashal lacks at the moment. She is young, she is not mature enough to understand the bigger picture or see the light at the end of the tunnel. Even though Mashal is very patient, she has learned how to oppress her feelings & subside her desires but still, being a flawed human being, she continues to complain. Mashal’s emotional struggle & journey seems very realistic & has been executed brilliantly.

Hashir came to rescue Mashal but not only that, he tried to bring her out of this misery that she has kind of inflicted upon herself. Hashir tried hard to uplift Mashal, give her the confidence that she needs to face the world but for Mashal, she is not mentally prepared to even comprehend that she can achieve any of that. Mashal actually does see herself as a victim but then again, that is not her fault & this is going to be a journey of self-discovery & that was shown nicely. I really liked the way Hashir tried to ease her out but then he was also genuinely concerned that Mashal was quite faint-hearted. Appa Jee discussed her ordeals with Hashir, at least she knows that Hashir is the only one who will understand what Mashal goes through. It is nice to see that Hashir is so courteous towards both Appa Jee & Mashal. He not only feels for them but also respect them immensely.

Areesha tried to make a good impression on Armaan but then again, both Faseeha & Shama could totally see what she was up to. Shama actually thinks Armaan is interested in Areesha but she has no idea that he is about to shake her world when he will tell her that he likes Mashal. Both Shama & Faseeha, though selfish & unreasonable are another truthful depiction of the society, where they are so busy in their lives, that they don’t even bother what others are going through. Shama & Faseeha are also one-dimensional & small-brained women who have actually destroyed the dynamics of the entire clan because of their egos & misjudgment. Armaan & Hashir try hard to make things work but then, Shama & Faseeha are never going to change. I am glad Bisma didn’t have much scenes, neither did Areesha but I liked that Hashir immediately told Bisma off for her wrong accusations.

Closing Thoughts – Meaningful Conversations:

Overall, this episode of Kun Faya Kun didn’t really do much but just shed a light on everything that Mashal goes through. She yearns for respect & love but then, Appa Jee knows that even this will not do anything for her. I loved the conversation where Appa Jee told her that she’ll pray for her but not for what Mashal wants, but for what Appa Jee thinks is right for her. It is Appa Jee’s wisdom that Mashal is unable to actually understand but then with time, she will continue to learn & then she will apply Appa Jee’s lessons in her life. It is a nice journey overall but then I am actually looking forward to some change which I am glad will happen in the next episode. This episode definitely belonged to Appa Jee, Mashal & Hashir & all the actors playing these characters were brilliant. Please share your thoughts about this episode of Kun Faya Kun.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.


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