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Marasim – Episode 03!

So the story has taken another turn. I like the production value of the drama & even the direction is fine too though I do feel that the on-screen chemistry in the families is missing. Apart from the couples, I feel everyone has been very hesitant in making an effort to contribute in forming the on-screen family that’s why we can clearly see the disconnection they all are sharing with each other. May be it will take another few episodes when the actors may have get comfortable & this thing will subside but for now there seems to be some sort of a barrier in between them all.

Daood has not surrendered in front of his mother but Gaitiara & Deeba both are acting ridiculous. I do feel for Gaitiara because at first she was insulted & now her daughter had to face all that, that too from the same family but when I saw Sherbaro being ashamed, I found Gaitiara to be lesser evil. Sherbano was right that she never had thought there might be a time when Gaitiara will have an upper hand but now she knows that when it comes to affairs related to daughters, how hard does it get. Gaitiara was someone’s daughter too but Sherbano never thought of that in her ignorance & arrogance but now when Momenah is going through a tough time Sherbano is trying to play the mazloom card which just doesn’t suit her at all.

Even though they have tried to show Gaitiara as stern & selfish but this fact can’t be ignored that she endured everything quietly because she wanted her marriage to work & she definitely didn’t deserve what she had to go through. Deeba’s involvement in this whole Daood/Momenah break up was very bizarre & absurd. She could’ve done better because being a young girl & Daood’s sister as well as Momenah’s cousin she should’ve understood how much Daood & Momenah were attached to each other, so for that at least selflessly she should’ve tried to make Gaitara understand that her breakup with Abdullah doesn’t mean Daood has to pay the price.

Even though Daood has retaliated but now Momenah has backed out because for her, her mother’s pride & dignity means everything & after seeing her mother being insulted, she has agreed to what Sherbano has requested her of & that is leaving Daood & starting afresh. I feel she should’ve at least given a chance to Daood so that he could explain what his take was on this whole scenario but Momenah doesn’t want to fall weak again therefore she has starting to ignore him completely. Deeba has once again come up with another suggestion to hit the final nail in the coffin & that is to get Daood married to someone else & by doing so at least it will satisfy the egos of Deeba & Gaitiara both.

I think the drama is moving forward at a very reasonable pace. There aren’t much loopholes as such & for the sake of watching a drama, Marasim is a suitable option to tune into, during the weekends. Personally I do feel that Sonia Hussain has dressed up a lot more modern than it was required because given the history of her family background, she belongs to a family with mediocre values & for that, such modernism ain’t suiting her role much, rest everything’s pretty well in this drama so far. Let’s see what happens next!

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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