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Marasim – Episode 05!

Another week of a decent episode of Marasim. I am glad they have taken enough time in establishing the characters because by doing so they have been able to make us understand more about them. I feel the characters are getting more relate-able & the direction seems perfect ever since they’re done with the flashbacks.

This episode focused more on Nayab, her life & her character. After losing her mother, Almas has forced Nayab to stay with her because she has no one else who’d look after her. Nayab & Zaid being first cousins are emotionally involved with each other where everyone in their family knows of their relation & pretty much approves of it. Zaid is a humble & caring person who loves Nayab a lot. He is Nayab’s support system & she knows she can rely on him any time because he truly loves her & cares for her. Right now they both are waiting for Zaid to get settled after his CSS so after that they’d be able to step in a married life together.

Deeba on the other hand has told her mother to fetch a simpleton for Daood who can be bossed around & she’ll be in an awe of how rich he is. Deeba thinks a simple girl from the middle or the lower middle class will buy everything Daood will ever tell her & she will happily compromise whereas a girl belonging to the same social class as them will never mend & will always be rigid. Daood hasn’t found a closure to his break-up yet & he is mentally scattered.

On a short visit to Almas’s place Gaitiara happens to see Nayab & get a glimpse of her nature, sadly Nayab fits the description given by Deeba for Daood’s wife perfectly & just when Nayab visits to hand over Gaitiara’s dress to her, Gaitiara tests Nayab by showing off the wealth & her place. I thought Urwa was brilliant through out the episode but she excelled in this particular scene as well. She made it look like she wasn’t interested or rather she didn’t notice much about her surroundings but just to satisfy Gaitiara’s pompous ego, she kept on adding more to it by appreciating all the ‘material’ Gaitiara owned.

I felt the whole ‘suit dhoondho’ scene was a bit over-done & a bit dragged. I mean if Nayab couldn’t find it Almas should’ve gotten up to help her in finding the suit. At one point Almas has all her sympathies with her innocent younger sister but on the other hand she thinks it’s ohkay to boss her over just because she wants to prove a point to her mother in law that Nayab is not a burden on them & is helping with the household chores.

I must say after Daood & Momenah’s character, I have started to like & feel a lot for the character of Nayab & for a change it’s good to see Urwa Hocane doing something different. She has portrayed the feelings of Nayab perfectly & is fitting the role really well. Apart from the suit scene & Daood’s unnecessary caterwauling, I found the whole episode very interesting. They are taking it slow but definitely have a control over the script because the direction seems perfect. Can’t wait to find out more.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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