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Marasim – Episode 14!

Ohho, things have taken a worst turn possible for now. Don’t know why but I feel the characters have been flipped to fit the current situation which isn’t appeasing to see at all.

Just because Abdullah & Deeba got married, Daood now finds it hard to keep up with the responsibility/marriage he is associated with. Seeing Momenah around him has hit the nail in the coffin but Daood being himself is persistent that he can turn things in his favour because he has suffered a lot. I must say the character who was potentially becoming everyone’s favourite has now been ruined. The 180 degree flip of Daood’s character was the last thing anyone wanted to see because he is the same person who stood up for what was right & never once allowed anything wrong to happen to Nayab but seems like he got tired of compressing his feelings therefore he got irrational.

The way they’ve tried to show Momenah’s petty issues with Fahad isn’t convincing enough. It was obvious that she was unhappy emotionally but just because her husband refuses to speak to her in his office hours doesn’t mean she’s got the right to leave him & elope with her ex-fiancé. Lately, this non-issue is being addressed in the dramas a lot that the wives remain unhappy for the fact that their husbands are paying complete attention to their jobs. If only Momenah would’ve understood that her trip to Pakistan was sponsored by her workaholic husband, then she wouldn’t have even thought of giving Daood an edge at all because Fahad is working to keep his family afloat & give Momenah all the luxuries that she can think of, so, what’s wrong if he is focused on his career? One can’t have it all & Momenah should be honest that she is unhappy because Fahad is not Daood but she can’t say she’s unhappy because Fahad isn’t giving her the attention.

Even though Momenah resisted but then once again she failed in making Daood understand the intricacy of the situation. She saw that Daood was treating a marriage like a toddler’s game but Momenah on her own lost rationality & instead of speaking to him with finality; she gave him a ray of hope which could result in Nayab & Daood’s divorce. According to Momenah, she thought she would make a point by mentioning Daood’s kid but whatever she said was more like an advise instead of a warning, it was more like a challenge which she knew Daood would accomplish. It showed that to some extent she also wished that Daood would leave Nayab so that Momenah could settle down with him.

All of a sudden they’ve started to show that Nayab has feelings for Daood & she is trying to save her marriage but then once again, she never really made an effort before. If Daood never allowed her to win him over, she never herself tried in the first place too but just now she could sense Daood’s disinterest in her kid, she thought it would be better to give this marriage a little push but then she has been wrong in calculation & it’s too late now. Daood definitely is wrong as he never endeared Nayab but then it was a vice versa scenario all this while too.

At first I thought Gaitiara would understand Nayab & would stand by her but she took me by surprise by showing she was no less an evil herself because now when her evil daughter is settled & happy, she is allowing Daood to not only get married to Momenah but she was suggesting how it was possible. Gaitiara is obviously quite cunning because now when Deeba’s married, she can’t afford to lose Daood & just because she wants to control & hold onto her stooge (Daood) she has confessed of her insecurities, hah. One can’t expect compassion from Gaitiara but the transition of everyone else’s character is making things a bit indigestible. As always the acting & the direction was phenomenal & I am sure the drama isn’t just over yet & for that I am hopeful. Let’s see what happens.

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Zahra Mirza. 

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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