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Maryam – Episode 7

Here was another emotionally and tragically packed episode of Maryam. Mawra, Uzma Gillani and Faisal Qureshi were brilliant in their acting. We are seeing the after effects of fake will as the couple is treated terribly in the house and even refused to be allowed to sit at the breakfast table. Maryam is still showing her spine and answering Firdous Begum appropriately and sometimes a little too rudely if you consider that she, after all is her mother in law, though being the horrible one that she is, we can’t really blame Maryam.

Amman is unceremoniously thrown out of the office by Sheraz who has grabbed everything as he has always dreamed of. I would have expected Amman to show some courage and anger and not break down like he did but retrospectively if you think of a little motherless child and growing up trying to make his step relations his own and even stupidly ignoring their greed to avoid a rift between himself and his mother and siblings, I can well imagine what he must be feeling. A grown up and accomplished man who has seen it all and yet mourns the loss of relations rather than money goes back to his efforts in keeping these relations in the first place :(

Maryam on the other hand is also facing the pain and anguish in her house. Firdous is stopping to low tactics like taking back her car, forbidding her to go to her parents and even insulting Noor when she comes. I wish Salman has some other use rather than calling Noor. If he takes Amman as his brother, then he should not be quiet at all that’s happening.

On a lighter note, if Amman had the sense to take a taxi rather than strolling through the whole city with his picture in his hand, than he would not have been mocked by Behram or robbed. He says he doesn’t have any taxi money but why didn’t he take one before the motorbike thieves arrived.

The episode ends with Maryam trying to make Sheraz and Firdous feel bad about what they have done but obviously a fight erupted. I wish Amman had told Firdous when she said that Maryam has made two brothers fight, that Sheraz’s attitude with him in the office earlier in the day was not very brotherly and Maryam wasn’t even there.
So now Amman and Maryam are being thrown out of the house. How will they take it? And how will Maryam’s family take it and how is Behram going to take advantage of this situation remains to be seen..


My name is Shozib Ali. I have done Bachelors in Media Sciences. Currently Working as an administrator and content writer for reviewit.

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