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Meer Abru Episode 20 & 21 Story Review – Superb

Opening Thoughts – Phenomenal:

Ohkay so, first just let me ask Team Meer Abru straight away that how did they make such a good drama, I am beyond impressed. This drama just keeps on getting better & better, which is just amazing. The direction, execution, twists & turns, story-telling, acting, all the different scenarios; everything about Meer Abru is beyond impressive & what acts like an icing on the cake is the perfect & fast pace of this drama. Every set of episodes has something new to offer which changes the dynamics of the story.

We Need More Characters Like Abru:

These two episodes focused on how Maha was bent on ruining Saim & Abru’s relationship, but what’s sad was the fact that Meer knew exactly what she was doing & he was kind of hoping for that to happen too. Maha continued to make Abru awkward by making it obvious to her that she knew Saim more & he was more attached to Maha than his own wife. Abru immediately realized that something was not right but Saim didn’t feel such a thing as he assumed that Maha was just being herself. Saim had no idea that Maha was trying to create a rift between Saim & Abru plus he also didn’t really know that Maha was making Abru uncomfortable with her chumminess with him!

Abru has fallen in love with Saim, even though she developed feelings for him over the time, she somehow felt it was the right time to let him know. May be seeing Maha in the picture made Abru realize that Saim meant so much more to her that she had realized before. Abru confessed her feelings & that was the sweetest part, Saim really couldn’t believe that Abru was so observant & that she noticed even the smallest of gestures that he did for her or anyone else. Abru felt happy that she had finally let Saim know what was in her heart but they both had no idea that their relationship & love for each other was going to be tested.

On Haya’s end, she was being mentally tortured by Waleed, but what else could she expect from a shallow & selfish guy like him. Walled thought this was the best way he could get back at Haya for ruining his life. The highlight of this entire episode of Meer Abru for me was the way Abru motivated Haya & told her to not settle for Waleed’s atrocities just like that. For a second, I couldn’t believe that this was exactly what I was hearing because who in our drama ever tells a girl to take a stand? This is the reason why I like this drama even more that we have a girl like Abru who is so self-sufficient & emotionally sorted & now she was the one telling her sister to buck up & fight for her rights. Abru’s heart finally melted for Haya & it was nice to see that Haya now had Abru to guide her through.

So, Maha created this misunderstanding between Abru & Saim. Saim knew that Abru loved Meer when they got married, so it was like everything was just transparent in front of him but now Abru was made to believe that Saim has been hiding his feelings about Maha from Abru all along. Abru left but that basically sealed the deal about the fact that more & more misunderstandings were going to be created because suddenly there was no communication between Abru & Saim plus Abru was not even giving him a chance to explain. I did feel that Abru was being stern in her approach & she was only believing what she wanted to believe, something exactly that Meer did to her as well.

Saim tried his best to make it all right but he had no idea that Maha is playing her cards well, she kept on putting Saim in one difficulty after another but Saim just didn’t know how to come out of it as Abru was not by his side. I felt kind of relieved that Saim heard Maha discussing her plan with someone on the phone, like it is not a secret anymore. Even though the preview did suggest that Saim was talking on those lines with Maha but I feel it might be his way of having her confess everything, we’ll find out. Meer has been the mastermind all along but he is playing it subtly, he lets Abru know openly that he still loves her but when it comes to Saim, he keeps it subliminal & doesn’t really show it to him so much. Meer already knew about what Maha has done that is why very subtly he planted a seed of doubt in Saim’s heart against Abru which forced Saim to be worried about the fact that Abru was in contact with Meer. Misunderstanding after misunderstanding, doubts & suspicion are going to ruin Saim & Abru’s relationship, but somehow I am relived that Saim did not cheat on Abru, they both are just being the victims of planning & plotting that is being done against them. Let’s see what happens!

Closing Thoughts – Brilliant:

Overall, these two episodes like all the previous episodes of Meer Abru were beyond brilliant. Sanam Chaudhry is the star of this drama & so are Mirza Zain Baig & Noor Hassan. They all have elevated the level of this drama with their phenomenal performances. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for us. Please share your thoughts about these episodes of Meer Abru.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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