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Meer Abru Episode 30 & 31 Story Review – Brilliant

Opening Thoughts – Brilliant:

Ohkay so, these two episodes of Meer Abru were again beyond brilliant. I loved how they showed that Abru’s life was shaping back to normalcy and despite not wanting to, she was being pulled towards things that were good for her. I am so happy that I am getting to see a drama like Meer Abru which is not only wholesome but totally complete. Every single situation & aspect has been taken care of in Meer Abru, that is why it makes it such an amazing drama to tune to.

Abru Decided To Move On:

Meer & Abru finally got a chance to have a conversation with each other. Meer got to explain everything & not only that, he gave her reasons why he was adamant to part ways with Saim. Meer has behaved selfishly & he admits, but now he is full of regrets & the good thing is, he doesn’t shy away from admitting all the mistakes that he has committed in the past. When I heard everyone blaming Meer for Saim’s death, I thought they lacked the basic common sense but going by the conversations that took place in this episode, it was made clear that people doubted that because of business dispute, Meer made that accident happen. Luckily, Abru was with Saim so she knows that it was purely an accident but yes, her notion that Saim ran into an accident because of the stress Meer gave to Saim made a lot more sense than everyone else’s baseless accusations.

The Terrible Trio of Zaibi, Waleed & Haya has gone crazy. They are doing everything to push their agendas. Zaibi is using Waleed for professional gains & Haya for personal gains & either way, her target is Abru & then Meer. Zaibi is using Haya against Abru & she was using Waleed against Meer but after Abru’s rejoining, she will use Waleed against Abru too. Zaibi & Waleed thought that they played their game wisely, they also fooled Meer time & again but then they had no idea that Jamal was keeping tabs on Waleed. I guess Jamal still must not have figured that Waleed did all of that because Zaibi told him to but the fact that he has finally come to know that Meer is not responsible for the current situation at the office was something beneficial for Meer.

Abru was trying hard to get back on her feet but every time she was reminded of the fact that her relation & link with Murad Group wasn’t forgotten. Every time Abru went for the interview, she was asked these personal questions that she didn’t want to answer. It was unfortunate & heartbreaking to see that despite trying so hard to move on, Abru was being constantly reminded of Saim & the tragedy that she experienced in her life. Meer once again came to Abru’s rescue but this time, she didn’t know about it. It was Meer who convinced Jamal to speak to Abru & convince her to join Murad Group again. Abru has taken some decisions on her own but then, her father continued to guide her every step of the way.

I have always loved the relationship that Abru shares with her father & also her sister Sana. Sana has been such a perfect support system for Abru in a time like this where her own younger sister Haya turned against her. Sana is not only mature & wise, she also feels for Abru as she has seen how things have been hard for her. Similarly, her father is sad that Abru was mistreated by Haya like that but then he has no idea that Zaibi humiliated her as well.

Abru decided that she didn’t want to go back to Murad house but it was so heart-wrenching seeing Abru in the office, it was like she was now once again reminded of Saim & all those moments that she spent there with him. This office was the launchpad of their short-lived but beautiful relationship & the way Abru broke down in front of Sana after her first day at work was the most real & natural emotion that they showed. Everything else in Meer Abru has always been a perfect portrayal of reality but this one was heart-breaking & I found myself tearing up for Abru.

The terrible trio thought they were going on the right track & they were slowly succeeding in their plans but they had no idea that luck was on Abru side, mainly because she has never caused harm to anyone, that is why she has an upper hand on them. I can’t wait to see the moment when this terrible trio will seek Abru’s forgiveness, but I wish before that happens, they are insulted & humiliated by the entire family that too in front of Abru. Haya, I can’t stand her & I so wish something bad happens to her, not her baby but her!

Closing Thoughts – Love It:

Overall, these two episodes of Meer Abru had a lot of heart touching moments. I loved the way they showed how Abru continued to pick up the pieces even after being emotionally shattered. Abru was now living for her father & wanted to give him comfort, that is why she was putting on a brave face. Abru has quite a lot of people against her, her younger sister being one of them but even that didn’t deter her from continuing to move on. I have loved all the conversations Sana & Abru had. I am glad Meer got a chance to explain & he has slowly & steadily started doing everything right. Meer spent a long long time being bitter but now, he is trying to undo all of that & is trying hard to be a better person. All the actors get full points for brilliant performances. Absolutely love this drama. Please share your thoughts about Meer Abru.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.


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