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Merai Humdum Merai Dost – Episode 06 & 07

And yessssss, Aiman is not like Romaisa except for her simplicity; She is intelligent and a good learner plus she knows how to deal with the hard facts of life bravely. At time, she falls short of patience and cries but still she is managing to survive in this new world.

I was waiting for the day when Aiman will meet her father and there it came but just before that she was so worried whether he will accept her or not. Because for her, she is just an ordinary looking not-so-intelligent girl and her father is perfectionist. Still ,she managed to recollect herself and went to meet her father. I really liked how father and daughter were looking at each other hesitantly; This is probably the first time I have watched such a different father-daughter relation in any drama. Without uttering any words, their eyes spoke and I absolutely enjoyed watching that. And then, it was so sad to see Aiman leaving Haider and Bibi ; She hardly got settled with them and now again she had to move to another place. In those few days, she got much attached to them and it was so painful for her to move to a house where  the man whom she hated throughout her life will be residing alongwith her.

I was so glad to see Almas attitude towards Aiman;She welcomed her open heartedly and unlike typical step mothers , she never gave a single glimpse of hatred for her rather she was there to help her in any way she needed. Taufeeq Kamaal’s interaction with her daughter was interesting to watch too; He knew that her daughter will be lagging behind in quality education due to her financial condition – ofcourse, there is a difference between a student of Harvard and a student of Urdu medium govt college. After knowing all her educational details, he recommended her to join some institute for short courses and she was ready to accept her father’s suggestion.I am feeling that her hatred towards her father is vanishing gradually.

In the meanwhile, Haider visited Almaas and Aiman expected that he will meet her too but it felt that he completely forgot her. Like Aiman, I was also disappointed to see that she was just a few days responsibility for Haider and he had no emotional attachment with her.  All this while, he was trying to cheer her up solely because he felt pity for her.Proving herself to be intelligent, she managed to run the laptop her father sent for her. There was a huge grin on my face when she opened laptop’s camera accidently or pher baal sanwaarnay lagee..

Sajeela is in no mood to grant forgiveness to her husband even after knowing that he divorced his first wife. We came to know the reason behind Haider’s serious attitude today too . It was Sajeela – Haider and Sajeela  were once married and how madly he loved her was all that took 35 minutes of tonight’s episode. Meanwhile, when Sajeela and Mazhar were far apart, Haider came in Sajeela’s life; they were family friends and Haider developed feelings for her during her stay at Sajeela’s place.  Sajeela needed a person with whom she will feel a bit lively after leaving Mazhar so Haider was just the right choice for her.

I missed Aiman and Taufeeq Kamaal tonight ; They could have shown them atleast for 5 minutes.. Metlab hadh he ho gayee.. Tonight episode had Sajeela written all over it.  Still, I enjoyed watching tonight’s installment.

Lets see what happens next. Share your thoughts about last two episodes.

Rabia Basharat.

My name is Shozib Ali. I have done Bachelors in Media Sciences. Currently Working as an administrator and content writer for reviewit.

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