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Mohabbat Aag Si – Episode 26 – 29!

Ohkay so, these past 4 episodes of Mohabbat Aag Si were quite interesting & done nicely. I think it is commendable that even though so many episodes have gone by, they have still managed to keep the quotient of suspense till date. All the happenings that have taken place in story were things that I wasn’t expecting at all & I think it’s the unpredictability as well that makes me look forward to this drama the most.

Honestly, I was glad that Samia decided to do something unusual & decided to eavesdrop on Wajahat & Rukhsana. It was a high time she found out about what Rukhsana used to do to her & I must say, all the confrontations that followed were intense & perfectly tackled. I loved the way Samia showed Rukhsana her right place & openly told her off. Only Samia knows what she went through while she was waiting for her baby & to know that it was only because of Rukhsana that she had to wait for so long made her lose her mind. I loved the transition Samia showed, from being someone who would never doubt Apa Ji to someone who would never trust her again. I think it was very intelligent of Samia that she didn’t give Apa Ji a benefit of doubt & straight away believed what she heard from Wajahat because all of a sudden she picked up the pieces & everything started making sense to her. Saba always tried to make Samia understand that something was off about Rukhsana but now Samia clearly got Saba’s point.

Honestly, of all the people, I wanted Sharifa to find her happy ending because she deserved it the most. Sharifa for sure deserved to be set free from Rukhsana’s cage & trap. It was very sweet of Arshad Jr. to convince his mother for his & Sharifa’s wedding but unfortunately, he couldn’t save her. Rukhsana sent Sharifa away so that she could put the blame on her in the first place but she actually made me believe that she wanted to do something for her & wanted to pay her back for her years of commitment & loyalty to her but in stead her only plan was to use Sharifa’s absence in her favour. I think Sharifa, even after spending her whole life with Rukhsana couldn’t really understand what Rukhsana was made of & that is why she naively believed that Rukhsana would be happy to hear about the news of her marriage to Arshad Jr. It was very unfortunate that once again, in stead of thinking about her own happiness, Sharifa gave priority to Rukhsana’s word & chose to die because she couldn’t bring herself to say no to her beloved Apa Ji.

I must say, even though I know for a fact that Rukhsana is evil & she is dishonest, but she surprises me every single time with her diabolicalness because the way she used Sharifa’s death for her own benefit was something that I never expected & was shocked to see. Yes, I do understand that Rukhsana would do anything to save herself but to see her stooping so low to a point where she wouldn’t even care a dime about Sharifa & her life-long sincerity made me hate Rukhsana’s character even more. Rukhsana actually had the audacity to write a letter & read it out loud to her whole family. Like always, Sharafat fell for everything that he was told by his Apa Ji but at least, it was good to see that Samia didn’t buy anything that Rukhsana said & in fact she even discussed it with Saba because it is Samia who has seen the true face of Rukhsana as she herself admitted everything that too confidently in front of her, so Samia is now at a point where she knows that everything that Rukhsana has said, will say or will be saying would only be a lie & nothing else.

Honestly, Rukhsana getting married to Arshad Sr. was the last thing I wanted to see because after spewing so many lies & manipulating so many people’s lives, she doesn’t deserve even an iota of happiness. Yes, I do understand that she still didn’t get Arshad completely even after getting married to him, but I guess that still isn’t enough of a punishment for someone as evil as her. At least, she got that satisfaction for a moment that she finally married the man of her dreams but she doesn’t even deserve that. I don’t think it is very wise of Fareeda to take a back seat like that & allow Rukhsana to rule her life so easily. The sacrifice Fareeda has given for her husband is already enough that now if she feel she has to leave everything at Rukhsana’s mercy is a bigger mistake.

Anyways, so far Mohabbat Aag Si has been very interesting & I want to see what end would Rukhsana meet. I actually fail to feel anything for her because even though everything that Bee Jee said about her was right, Rukhsana lost her credibility once she got involved in the chase of ownership, where she wanted to own her brothers because that way she forgot to give love to them. She has gone a bit too far to earn anyone’s forgiveness & for that I hope she pays a heavy price for it. I really hope the writer here isn’t trying to turn Rukhsana into a victim by reminding us again & again of all the things she has done for her brothers because that’s water under the bridge now. For me, the way she prevented Samia from getting pregnant, the game she played to separate Saba & Wajahat, the way she planned the death of Samia’s unborn child & now the way she turned Sharifa into the culprit after her death, are the things that define Rukhsana & for doing all of that, she is guilty & definitely not a victim of course. I must say everyone has acted brilliantly but in these few episodes, Uzma has definitely stood out the most. The way she has played the character of Samia & has translated her pain & anguish on screen is phenomenal. She actually gave a perfect face to all the feelings & emotions that Samia experienced once she learnt the truth about Rukhsana & her acting in those confrontational scenes was brilliant. Please share your thoughts about these episodes of Mohabbat Aag Si & from this week onward, you guys will be getting regular reviews as I am done with my vacations! :)

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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