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Related Posts Episode 05 Review – Live Nikkah Mubarak!

Ohkay so, this was yet another interesting episode of I must say the wit & the intelligence that the Qabza group has in this drama is basically a depiction of the wit & the intelligence of Mustafa Afridi as a writer. I was actually interested to see how things will roll but the way everything was unfolded surprised me because none of it was something that I could see coming. I love how the Qabza Group is making the most of every single opportunity that comes their way to make sure they get what they want, which is Nazim’s house.

So, this time around, it was Nazim who went ham on his family & did everything to blackmail them. Kazim definitely takes it after his father because despite not wanting to, he ended up succumbing to the pressures & said yes to his Nikkah with Zoha. It was amusing how at first Nazim only showed that he was trying to convince Kazim but the moment he said yes, Nazim put forth another agenda, which was that he had to get married to Zoha the same day. In the middle of this chaos, the one who did the best job was Sikandar, because he himself had no idea who he should be siding with, so he tried to stay neutral by supporting both Nazim & Mrs. Nazim.

I must say Ehtashaam is a jack of all trades but he is definitely a master of none because even though he was taking care of the formalities & documentation of Nikkah, he forgot one of the most important aspects of it which was Haq Meher. Zoha finally got Nikkaofied that too after she conducted an online poll whether she should say yes or no. Zoha definitely gives her fans a lot of edge & she has made them such an important part of her life that she even said yes to her Nikkah when the majority of the votes were in its favor, lol!

Just when I was wondering what was going to happen next, Dada Jee took me by surprise when he decided to make the most of the missing clause from Nikkah, which was the official mention of Haq Meher. Even though it was devilishly intelligent of Dada Jee that he decided to turn it into an opportunity which will guarantee his permanent stay in this place, but what I found far more interesting was how he subtly blackmailed Ehtasham to write whatever Dada Jee wanted by saying that he actually kept his biggest mistake as a secret because he didn’t want people to think that he was an incompetent Nikkah-khuwan, lol!

So, Zoha wants to get done with her Rukhsati but Dada Jee insists that it is Kazim who should get Rukhsat from his home & come to live with them as he knows that if Zoha will leave this place, no one will allow him & Jabir to live there too. Jabir’s stance in this entire situation turned him into a villain which Zoha by the way linked to Zubiya & Khalil’s situation in Yakeen Ka Safar. It left me wondering if it was a coincidence that Zoha was reviewing all those dramas that I have reviewed till date? LOL! Poor Jabir had no idea that under the influence of Dada Jee, Zoha herself has turned into a blackmailer, that is why he gave up & told her that everything that he said meant nothing actually!

Well, Twinkle came to Pakistan but at the wrong time, wrong in a sense that she was a bit late & couldn’t save Kazim. I wish they had limited the usage of the word ‘Talaq’ because even though it is a comedy drama & everything was being said & conveyed in jest, the fact still remains that some of the characters were rooting for this divorce. I am sure Twinkle has no idea who she is dealing with – Dada Jee will make sure that he sends her off to Amreeka!

I had a great time watching this episode of too. I am loving the acting of all the actors. I am actually looking forward to the next episode because Kazim will speak about Haq Meher too but when he will try to use it in his favor, he will get to know that Dada Jee is far more cunning than he could ever imagine! Please share your thoughts about this episode of

Gem of this episode:

‘Jo kaum Trump ko saddar bana sakti hai, to mere Kazim ko kyu nahi bana sakti’.

Keep Supporting,
Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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