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Mor Maharan Episode 4 – 6 Story Review

These 3 episodes of Mor Maharan covered all the tracks and also gave further insights into the characters. The most recent episode covered Almas’ backstory as well. There was more focus on Rohi and Sikandar’s track in the 4th and 5th episodes which I felt could easily have been replaced with showing more of Gurdezi. Gurdezi and Rohi’s first actual meeting was also covered last week. Mor Maharan has an interesting storyline that holds your interest but the production values are not as grand as most Pakistani dramas right now. However, I feel that it is better than the rest of the plays right now with run-of-the-mill stories. Also, I have to say that Mustafa Changazi’s acting is turning out to be the most annoying aspect of the drama. Sikandar’s characters get a lot of screen time, it definitely is layered, it is also well-written but Mustafa Changazi is seen struggling while giving the right expressions most of the time.

Another aspect of the show which I hope gets better is the fact that the story of different characters has not been spread evenly in different episodes. It would be far better to show a little bit of all the tracks in each episode instead of focusing on a single one. Rohi continues to be the main attraction. I see Mor Maharan as a story of strong-willed women more than anything else, at this point. Right now, the water issue which was introduced as one of the main focal points of the story is not getting as much attention as it was before. However, there are various aspects of respecting the culture, heritage, and life of the area which were covered in these episodes. Mor Maharan keeps me intrigued and looking forward to more even though at times the treatment given to the play is not too impressive.

Interesting Characters

Mor Maharan’s intriguing and interesting characters continue to be its strength. Even after these 6 episodes, I feel I am still getting to know these characters. The writer is slowly unveiling the backgrounds, strengths, and weaknesses of the main characters. Each one of these characters has a story to tell and so far all these stories are equally interesting. It is also good to watch a leading lady who is fierce, unapologetic, and has a goal in life. At the same time, she is romantic and completely capable of falling in love. Rohi’s character has been penned down brilliantly. Rohi and Gurdezi’s first meeting was powerful – perhaps a little too filmy but definitely different and likable. Much better than a woman falling in the arms of a man, as was the case with Rohi and Sikandar! Clearly, the actual love story is that of Rohi and Sikandar but it seems as if Rohi might end up with Gurdezi. Even though Gurdezi’s character doesn’t have much to offer – he is a corrupt politician who thinks the world revolves around him – I like Zahid Ahmed in the avatar. He makes his presence felt in every scene and I find myself wanting to know more about this man even though so far it seems as if there isn’t much to the character. Rohi definitely left an impression on Gurdezi but he was not shown ‘pursuing’ her as is mostly the case in Pakistani dramas! Sooner or later he will find out who she is and I am waiting to find out how that particular part is handled. It is refreshing to watch that this man has a life other than pursuing a woman who he found attractive.

Mor Maharan Episode 4 – 6 Story Review

Almas is another strong woman with an interesting background. It is really good watching Sammiya Mumtaz play this character. Even though Sikandar keeps on telling her off, she does not stop trying. She is mature, intelligent, and graceful. Sikandar’s character comes across as annoying primarily because of the way it has been translated on screen. After meeting his father, it was obvious why this boy is spoiled and problematic. Nawab Feroze is equally selfish and his idea of love is quite twisted as well. Almas and Sher Alam’s relationship has been penned down and portrayed superbly. The element of respect on both sides and the way Sher Alam feels about Almas are all too evident. Babar Ali’s nuanced performance has won me over completely. Even though it is evident that Almas has nothing but regard for this man, Babar Ali through his performance has made it evident right from the start that he loves Almas. There is definitely more to Malook Shah’s character as well. Even though he seems like someone who is not too rigid but there must be a reason why Almas is so scared of Sikandar getting too close to Rohi. He might come across as progressive but he is definitely hiding something from the viewers and his own daughter.

I am not sure if it was such a great idea to use the senior actors for playing the younger roles in order to show the flashback scenes. It came across as staged. It would have been better if younger actors were used to playing these roles. That would definitely have been more realistic.

Final Remarks

These 3 episodes of Mor Maharan were interesting enough to keep my interest alive. This drama also reminds me of old PTV dramas since it does not bank on commercialism as much as most of the dramas nowadays do. So far, the script has a lot going for it and apart from Mustafa, everyone else is doing their part so well. There is something refreshing and different about all the tracks which make Mor Maharan one of those dramas which are a nice break from the majority of the ‘typical’ dramas we get to see nowadays.

Are you watching Mor Maharan? Do share your thoughts about it.

Fatima Awan
Fatima Awan has been a part of reviewit right from its inception. She feels very passionately about Pakistani dramas and loves discussing them in detail. An enthusiastic writer, thinker, and political scientist, constantly trying to look beyond the obvious. Full-time mom.


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