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Moray Saiyaan Episode 06 Review – So Far So Good!

Ohkay so, this episode of Moray Saiyaan was quite interesting & was done really really well. Also, the preview of the next episode further developed my interest in this drama. It makes me happy that things are moving forward now & we will probably be getting an insight into all the characters & their history a lot more in the episodes to come.

So, Zakia went to meet Zubaria only to tell her that she needs to back off. I must say, I loved the way Zubaria stood up for herself. It is actually quite nice to see such a young girl having so much of pride & dignity & also so much of confidence in herself where she knows that she is not at fault & she hasn’t done anything wrong for which she should feel ashamed, that is why she had the guts to tell Zakia off politely & a bit sternly where she felt that she was crossing the line by dragging Zubaria’s late mother in this mess.

It was good that Ghaziyan not only took a stand for Zubaria but also used that moment to explain everything to his family members. Everything that Ghaziyan said about how he’d be unable to keep Nimra happy was on-point. It was good that Ghaziyan even brought the example of Kabeer & Zakia in between, in a hope that may be it will put things into perspective but sadly, no one budged. I actually thought that Nimra will end up supporting Ghaziyan by seeing his honesty but even she chose to see herself as a victim & Ghaziyan as a villain who was crushing all her dreams with his harsh words. I think of all the people, at least Waris should have understood what his son was trying to say & how he was being honest about everything but sadly, Waris still feels guilty for what his sister Zakia had to go through because of him, that is why he now wants Ghaziyan to compensate & pay the price by becoming a puppet to a control freak like Zakia only to make her happy.

It was actually quite shocking to see that when Waris told Ghaziyan to leave, Zakia just sat there without intervening, as if she wanted Ghaziyan to get punished for daring to hurt her & Nimra. I think Zakia really needs to understand that she has already ruined a lot of relationships, she has drifted apart a lot of family members, so now at least she should be courteous enough to not be so stubborn where it will cost Waris & Ghaziyan their relationship because of her. It was actually quite annoying to see Zakia calling & blaming Gul Zeb for planting the idea of leaving his house in Ghaziyan’s mind, whereas she herself saw that it was Waris who told Ghaziyan to leave, that too in front of her, so how could she blame Gul Zeb for things she wasn’t even aware of? This move of Zakia clearly showed that she is someone who loves to put a blame on others & loves seeing others suffering when she herself mourns how unfair life has been to her. The reason why Zakia hasn’t been able to forgive Kabeer is because he was married & had a child, this was something that the viewers assumed but it was revealed for the first time that this was the actual reason why Zakia chose to get separated from her husband.

The second half of the episode revolved around Nimra & Zubaria & how their friends were trying to cheer them up. Ghaziyan got to meet Zubaria & also made it clear to her that it was not because of Zubaria, but it was because of his own personal feelings for her that he decided to take a stand against the decision of Waris & Zakia where they wanted him to get married to Nimra. It was good to see that Ghaziyan tried to reason with Zubaria, while also trying to make her understand that even though she was the reason why he was doing all that, it was not because Zubaria ever gave him a hint that he should do all of that. There was some sort of clarity in the entire situation where even though both Zubaria & Ghaziyan were not on the same page, their perspectives were clear & they both had genuine reasons to differ to each other. After seeing how persuasive Ghaziyan is, I am sure he will convince Zubaria but it will be a long & bumpy ride!

Overall, this episode was quite interesting. The situations were nice but somehow the acting of almost all the actors seemed a little too forced, especially in the confrontation scene between Ghaziyan’s entire family. Just when I was about to say that I was getting tired of seeing Zubaria/Neha Rajpoot in similar sort of dresses & get up, she pleasantly surprised me with a different hairdo & all-white dress & she looked really pretty. I love how the makeup artist has chosen a very neat & clean no-makeup makeup look for all the girls, it makes them look their age & quite innocent at that. Kinza Hashmi can pull off any color & she looked a little extra pretty in that navy blue shirt, it complemented her brown hair. Uzair Jaswal has improved a lot in terms of acting & I am sure as the episodes will progress, he will keep on better & better. The preview of the next episode has me all excited, I can’t wait to see how the dynamics will change with the entry of Kabeer. Please share your thoughts about this very interesting episode of Moray Saiyaan.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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