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O Rangreza Episode 11 Review – Phenomenal Performances!

Ohkay so, another week another brilliant episode of O Rangreza. Despite being heavy, this drama just draws your attention in because the performances of all the actors are so phenomenal that they don’t allow you to have your attention diverted. The way the emotions have been portrayed in this drama is commendable, every character has a unique personality & they have stayed true to their nature till this stage of the drama. I am interested to see how things will progress now that the story went through such a major twist.

No one can understand Sassi the way Qasim does, that is why ever since the news of their marriage broke, Sassi was not herself as she put Qasim in the same spotlight as well & thought that now he will be ruling over her. Sassi’s plea to Wajih to save her went to show that she was done with what life was handing out to her & she wanted to live her life, her way. Sassi really is tying to get under Wajih’s skin without even realizing that he has his own baggage, his own perspective which she is unable to comprehend. So, Sassi returned broken-hearted but Qasim knew what he had to do. Qasim’s refusal to get married to Sassi was basically his attempt of setting her free because he knew that Sassi wasn’t someone who wanted to be caged & unfortunately he wasn’t left with any other choice than to showcase the love he had for Sassi this way.

Sassi finally got to know how much Qasim loved her & the best part was that she actually understood his reasons too, she could see the intensity of his selfless love where he wanted to make her happy. It would’ve been so much for Qasim to refuse to get married to the girl of his dreams that too after seeing her as his bride, Qasim really proved the length he can go to in order to please Sassi because he didn’t even care what Khayyam will do to him. Like Sassi said, even she couldn’t understand how Qasim, the kind-hearted Qasim got so much of strength to do something like this, but Qasim let her know that it was his love for her!

So, Khayyam Sani was so depressed at what happened that without even thinking for a second, he decided to shift to Sonia’s house? This is the same Khayyam Sani who was worried about ‘log kya kahainge’ when it came to all the matters concerning Sassi but when it came to him, he wasn’t concerned but yes, he did try to use ‘log kya kahainge’ card in front of Sonia Jahan but she didn’t budge. Even though all this while I never really paid attention to what Sonia Jahan wanted but for the first time I got a feeling that may be she was also testing Khayyam Sani to see how far he could go, may be she doesn’t want to get married to him but indirectly wants to teach him that he should own what belongs to him & that is Mumtaz & Sassi, that too the way they are, in stead of chasing after an obsession that he has with an image that Sonia Jahan carries. Just because Khayyam loves Sonia, he is ready to accept her but he hasn’t put so many restrictions on her yet, but Sonia knows what will happen if she will allow Khayyam to encage her.

Sassi’s letter to Qasim was another beautiful aspect of this story. She confessed that she never loved Qasim, she never could because he never ever hurt her ego. After this letter of Sassi I saw a similarity in her & Sonia. Sonia came to Khayyam but since she has seen that he is totally into her & he is ready to forsake his marriage for her, she has kind of lost interest & she is not too keen on getting married to Khayyam. Usually this is something that is said about men, that if a woman hurts their ego, they turn it into a challenge to have her love him but the writer here showed that a girl or a woman can feel that way too. Sassi never saw Qasim as a man she could love, she never saw her as his ideal because he was always there for her but since Wajih Kamal has hurt her ego & hasn’t welcomed her the way she wanted to, she has now started to think that she loves him & wants to be with him because for her it has turned into a challenge to make Wajih Kamal fall for her – twisted but true!

Oh well, I can’t take Mumtaz anymore. After all that happened, she actually blamed Sassi for ruining her marital life, as if there was some substance in the relation that she & Khayyam shared in the first place? Mumtaz should learn to blame Khayyam for his mistakes but even before that, she should learn to see his mistakes. Mumtaz should learn that her man can be at fault too, he can commit mistakes as well, because the day she will do that, she will be at peace as she will save herself the hassle of defending Khayyam & walking an extra mile for a man like him who doesn’t even care!

This episode of O Rangreza was brilliant. Bilal Abbas Khan stole the show with his phenomenal performance in this episode in particular. He really has made every shade of Qasim shine & he definitely deserves an award for portraying this character to perfection. Sajal Ali looked like a doll in both the functions, she has breathed life into a difficult character like Sassi & it shows what her caliber as an actor is. Bilal Abbas Khan, Noman Ejaz & Sajal Ali make this drama worth watching. Please share your thoughts about this episode of O Rangreza.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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