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O Rangreza Episode 17 Review – A Good Episode!

Ohkay so, I will be completely honest, after weeks, this episode worked for me & just when I was wondering what changed that all of a sudden I felt this episode was strong as the initial episodes of this drama, I got reminded around 30 minute mark when Tipu showed up, that is when I understood that just because he was missing from the major chunk of the episode, it was working for me. Oh I so wish the writer had omitted Tipu’s character because it would’ve changed everything!

I loved almost all the conversations that took place in the first half of the episode. Meena’s reminder to Saasi that she is just trying to chase an image, a deception was spot on. Sassi really needs to know better, that too when she herself has had a firsthand experience with Sonia Jahan & she has seen how messed up Sonia’s life is & more so, how she has ruined Khayyam’s life too but sadly, she is unable to understand that right now. For the first time I felt that with all this exposure & the freedom to make her own decisions, Sassi is on a path of self-discovery & because of that she is now seeing things differently as well. I say this because the more Sassi is getting to interact with Wajih & getting dissed by him, the more she is growing compassionate towards Mumtaz. It is like Sassi now understands what Mumtaz must be going through after getting shunned away by the man she has dedicated her entire life to. This is why now that every time Sassi looks at Mumtaz & speaks to her, she has this kindness because she has started seeing Mumtaz as a victim!

The thing I found interesting was how Khayyam & Sassi were on a similar track, which went to show that the writer’s mind was working in a similar way for both these characters. Khayyam after getting a chance to be with Sonia was now feeling guilty because of Mumtaz, similarly, after getting attention from Wajih, Sassi immediately felt as if she was wronging Qasim, hence, the question where she asked him if she was being unfair to him or not. I have no hopes for Qasim & anything about him doesn’t interest me. It’s like Qasim has become Sassi’s spot boy & happily so, therefore there’s nothing that gives me hope that he will take charge of the situation, shake Sassi & try to make her realize that she is losing the plot!

Mumtaz & Khayyam’s conversation was interesting too but I think something more needs to happen – more than Mumtaz’s one-liners which have a short term affect on Khayyam because he now seems dual minded but still continues to meet Sonia, even after telling her that he won’t see her again!

The entire scenario of Sassi trying to become an actor is not sparking any interest whatsoever, because yes, it is obvious that it is her dream & she is chasing after that but I don’t see the purpose of it.

Well, as usual, Tipu’s double standards surfaced once again where he had no issues sending his girlfriend to the movies with his friend but couldn’t tolerate the fact that Sassi wasn’t home past the appropriate time. Again, I don’t see the reason behind the inclusion of this character because Khayyam was quite a strong & out-there character portraying the double standards of men. Like I said before, I will say that again, the character of Tipu is absolutely unnecessary & I see him as just a filler that has been forced upon the viewers.

Overall, this episode was really good because of the conversations & absence of Tipu for the most part of it. I loved Sajjal Ali in this episode, she looked absolutely gorgeous & I loved her acting too. Please share your thoughts about this episode of O Rangreza.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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