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O Rangreza Episode 23 Review – Average!

Ohkay so, a comparatively better episode but still I am not feeling this drama like I used to. It does seem they are now showing some progress in the story but the characters are still stuck in a rut. I am looking forward to the last episode of this drama more than anything because may be, the purpose, the crux of this story will be conveyed in it & oh yes, the fact that there was no Tipu in this episode made it a whole lot better!

So, Meena asked for Qasim & Sassi didn’t seem to have any objection. It is a done deal as Sassi has made up her mind that she is not going to give Qasim any chance, that is why she didn’t seem affected with Meena’s demand.

Qasim hurt himself & that pushed Meena to further confess her feelings to him & obviously she was turned down because even though Sassi will never accept Qasim, Qasim on his own won’t be able to move on.

Sonia has lost everything & it occurred to me that may be she was facing all this because she hurt Mumtaz, but then again, I wish Khayyam had faced something too because yes, even though he is suffering by seeing Sonia in such a condition, it still hasn’t taught him a lesson & I don’t see any difference in his nature. It was amusing that he had absolutely no idea about Sassi’s film. What an ideal father I must say!

So, Sassi bagged a film & it was a biopic of Sonia Jahan, a script that Sonia told Khayyam to write for her. May be this is Wajih’s way of getting back at both Sonia & especially Khayyam by using Sassi, but whatever it is, not sure what Sassi is going to do with herself & her life. At first I really was keen to explore her character but by making her complicated the writer turned her into a one dimensional character & that is why there’s nothing more to her now!

So, Meena became Amna & indeed that entire scenario was covered beautifully but I must say, so much happened & Tipu was nowhere to even know that Meena was taking such a huge step?

Overall, it was an average episode of O Rangreza, but now when the story is almost nearing the end, I am trying to understand the purpose as it still seems a little unclear. Please share your thoughts about this episode of O Rangreza.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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