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O Rangreza Episode 8 Review – Outstanding Performances!

Ohkay so, what a brilliant episode of O Rangreza. I love the way the story is moving forward & the pace is perfect at this stage too. As the story is progressing, we are getting to understand the writer’s perspective more & more, where through Sassi’s character, he is highlighting the double standards of men. It is praise-worthy that even after so many episodes, we get to know more about every single character every single time. What I also loved about this episode was how even in such serious circumstances, there was a touch of humor which made things quite lighthearted & easy to grasp.

So, just when things became a bit overwhelming for Khayyam, he decided to get Sassi married. When things were perfectly fine between him & Sassi, Khayyam was the one who dissed the idea of her marriage at such an early age because he didn’t see her as a burden but now when Sassi was giving him a hard time, he thought this was the only way to deal with Sassi rather it was the only way out of this situation. Now at this stage when Sassi needs his guidance the most, when she needs his attention & his love, Khayyam is turning a blind-eye. This decision of Khayyam showed how he is someone who loves to run away from his problems, like he doesn’t have enough spine to face the obstacles like a man. Once again, this entire scenario highlighted the fact that despite posing to be the man of the house, Khayyam was just a coward who was now trying to get rid of Sassi for his own convenience.

The entire rishta scene was quite interesting. No one thought that Sassi would do such a thing. Even though Khayyam had told his friend that Sassi was a bit unconventional & unpredictable, Sassi outdid her father because she did what he never had imagined. I love how Sassi plays with everyone’s mind, like where her family thought that she would create a havoc over the news of her sudden marriage, she remained calm & collected & in the end did something that shook them to no end. For the first time, Khayyam was blank, like he was helpless as well as clueless because he was finding it hard to deal with Sassi. Sassi has made it impossible for Khayyam to come to a conclusion as to how he should deal with her? Yes, being a father, Khayyam still has some soft corner for Sassi in his heart that is why he was worried but then what she has put him up with is also bothering Khayyam to no end!

I must say, Khayyam displayed a lot of selfishness when he once again approached Sonia Jahan. He knows that it is because of her & Sassi’s desire of being like her that has put him under such an awkward position in his life but still he chose to let her know that he wants her. Sonia Jahan was hurt at what she heard from Khayyam that is why she decided to close his chapter off her life because even she understood that it was perfectly alright for Khayyam to love her but it was strictly not ohkay for Sonia to influence Sassi. It’s like Khayyam wants the best of both, he wants the one he loves irrespective of what she does like he said, but on the other hand, he forbids his daughter to idealize the one he loves because he would never condone that. Khayyam Sani is a typical man who thinks he is entitled to do whatever he wants because he is a man whereas when it comes to his daughter, he wants her to abide by the rules set by him & the society because that in any case hurts him & his pride. Khayyam knows that no one might question him for his choice of getting married to Sonia but the entire world would question him if Sassi would choose that path so once again, out of his own selfishness he disapproves of Sassi’s choices!

Oh well, I think it is safe to say that I am tired of Mumtaz, like when I saw her crying buckets, I felt nothing for her. I loved Kareeman Bua in this episode, it was like she gave words to the viewers’ feelings when she said ‘shadi har maslay ka hal nahi hota’. Khayyam & even Mumtaz were trying to find a convenient way out of this situation by marrying Sassi off but good that Sassi took a stand for herself, in an outrageous way but she did because she has the right to. So yes, back to Mumtaz, yes, I am done feeling sorry for her because her submissiveness is the reason behind her sufferings. Yes, I get it, she has given up, she has accepted failure as her fate but the least she can do is stop following Khayyam’s lead blindly. Yes, she has no control over Khayyam or even Sassi but she can draw a line because that’s something that is totally under her control but she chooses not to & that makes my sympathy go out of the window for her! Mumtaz herself brought Sonia back in Khayyam’s life because she already assumed that she couldn’t do anything for both Khayyam & Sassi!?!

I loved the scenes between Sassi & Qasim. Qasim actually thought that he will get a clear cut answer from a girl like Sassi who is completely twisted (in a good way). Qasim thought since Sassi is over Khayyam & she doesn’t idealize him, now he stands a chance but Sassi has someone else in her mind. I am not sure if she is going to go after Wajih Kamal because she would want to hurt Sonia Jahan or she genuinely likes him. Sassi is someone who is going to make the weirdest of choices because she doesn’t want to fall under the bracket of ‘normal’, she doesn’t want to settle for ‘normal’ ever & she has made that quiet clear!

Overall, this episode was brilliant. Even though Sajal Ali has proved her mettle as an actress but by playing Sassi’s character, she is showcasing what she had in her because this is the type of performance that we never got to see before from her & it is mind-blowing. Noman Ejaz is doing a wonderful job as a helpless father & so is Irsa Ghazal, though I may not be a fan of her character but yes, that doesn’t take away the fact that she has performed convincingly too. Qasim as meesni bili is flawless as well, I love the titles Sassi gives to him & the way he accepts everything is also amusing. Yes, Kareeman Bua was right, Qasim is another Mammo & she could see him being walked over exactly like her. I so wish the scholarship & his time away from this setting brings a change in Qasim’s personality, I really am looking forward to it. The way they have made this drama a visual treat with all those vibrant colors & aesthetically appeasing backdrops is phenomenal, it goes to show the amount of effort that has gone in this project & it shines through. Please share your thoughts about this episode of O Rangreza.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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