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Pakistan Idol Week 08 – Results!

Another moment of half shocking half amazing results. I must say 2 out of the 3 contestants selected by the public voting were right & well deserving but the remaining one came as a shocker, but I am also pleasantly surprised by the selection made by the judges. Thankfully they didn’t discriminate on the basis of gender or just to fill the quota. This is the very first lot in which all the four boys were selected.

The very first duo that came for results was of Ghazal Ali & Zamad Baig. I thought Mohib would announce that none of them were selected but it became pretty evident when he said one of them was through to the next round & it definitely was & had to be Zamad Baig. I am glad at him being qualified because he was good in the Piano round.

The second duo that came to face the results was Umer Aftab & Fayeza Rashid. I hoped that Umer would be through seeing how Zamad got selected but none of them were selected by the public. It was sad to see such a nice voice like Umer’s not making it through to the next round.

The third duo to face the result was of Asad Raza Sonu & Seemab Arshad. This was a toughest duo to choose from because both of them were equally good & both of them deserved to be in the next round so it was a win win situation to see one of them getting through. It was Asad Raza Sonu, I did feel bad for Seemab but Asad Raza Sonu deserved the spot in the top 4 tonight for sure.

The fourth duo that came for the results was of Shahmir Aziz Quidwai & Ali Asad Zaidi. It was definitely a clear pick that Ali Asad would be selected but to see Shahmir Quidwait getting that spot was a shocker. I think he got lucky with the votes & that’s all there’s to it otherwise if it was solely based on the performance apart from Ali Asad, Umar Aftab was deserving too.

Anyways, it came down to the judges to pick two contestants for their second chance & they were Ali Asad Zaidi & Seemab Arshad. I am glad none of the girls got the unfair chance because no matter how good they were, guys in this round were definitely better. Ali Asad Zaidi sang ‘Bheegi Bheegi Si Hain Ratain’ from the Indian movie ‘Gangster’. It was again a safe choice made by him because he chose the genre which he knows would fit his vocal tone & he would be able to convey it with ease. He did sound a bit flat at times but given the circumstances I think he performed really well. Seemab Arshad performed Ahmed Jahanzeb’s ‘Kaho Aik Din’, I must say the resemblance of his voice to that of Ahmed Jahanzeb’s in this particular song was uncanny. He picked the song intelligently as well because it complemented his voice completely. Sad for Seemab & luckily for Ali Asad, Seemab sounded more nervous & a bit more flat. I think Seemab had this issue in the piano round as well because his body language showed how nervous he was, similarly even after getting the chance he couldn’t avail it properly & finally the deserving contestant Ali Asad Zaidi was selected. It was a sigh-of-relief moment for us; his fans.

The judges have announced that the next week would be dedicated to the Wild Card Entry, where 8 out of the eliminated 12 contestants would be selected & 1 out of them would be qualified on the basis of public voting. I think out of the eliminated contestants Kashif Ali,  Mohammad Zeeshan, Midhat Hidayat, Umar Aftab & Seemab Arshad would definitely get a chance & a few others who might fill the space would be Fizza Javed, Ghazal Ali & Yasir Khan. Let’s see who’d be selected by the judges to perform & fight for grabbing the last seat of the Top 13.

What did you think of today’s results, share with us! :)

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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