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Pakistan Idol Week 14 – Fifth Elimination!

Wallah! Another disappointing result. I know that not all of them can win the title but what’s disppointing is the order in which they all are getting eliminated. I am gutted to see another deserving contestant going home this week.

When asked by the contestants about the best performances on the Friday night, their clear picks were Asad Raza Sonu with 4 votes & Mohammad Shoaib with 3, followed by Waqas Ali Vicky, Shahmir Quidwai & Zamad Baig with 1 vote each to their credit. Even the contestants knew who performed well in the Gala round but still the results were shocking.

The first duo that faced the result was of Ali Asad Zaidi & Mohammad Shoaib & as expected they both were safe which makes me happy because Ali Asad Zaidi is performing brilliantly with consistency & Mohammad Shoaib is improving & has a great voice.

After them the trio that came for the results was of Rosemary, Kashif Ali & Asad Raza Sonu. At this point I wasn’t too sure about who’d be safe & who wouldn’t be because Kashif & Asad are great singers & have been performing perfectly while Rosemary was good on the Friday night too. So, yes the first shock of the night came when Asad Raza Sonu was made to sit in the danger zone, leaving Rosemary & Kashif Ali safe from elimination.

The next duo that came in for the results was of Zamad Baig & Waqas Ali Vicky. I was hoping for Waqas Ali Vicky to be safe & yes he was making Zamad Baig the second person to go to the danger zone.

The last duo that came in for the results was of Abdul Rafay Khan & Shahmir Aziz Quidwai. It was a half lucky day for us all to see Shahmir being unsafe & obtaining the last seat of the danger zone, but the good phase came to an end pretty quickly.

It was now time for the final announcement when Zamad Baig, Shahmir Aziz Quidwai & Asad Raza Sonu were told to come on the stage. I hoped that it was Shahmir but to see him go to the safe zone before anyone else was a huge disappointment & sadly the shock didn’t end there because we had to go through another one in the form of an elimination of one of the best singers of the lot & yes, it was unfortunately Asad Raza Sonu.

I am glad he took it positively & the judges were supportive of him too. I have one thing to say here that Hadiqa looked clearly disappointed when Shahmir got safe, so, why don’t they use their energies in letting the whole Pakistan know how much of a weak singer this guy is. She seems to be degrading Waqas Ali Vicky & Mohammad Shoaib clearly may be because she wants to influence the voting trend against them, so why not do it against Shahmir Aziz Quidwai because sorry to say being just the viewers we can clearly pinpoint his weaknesses which they can’t seem to be doing being the judges. There you go people, I can clearly see the Baysura becoming the very first Pakistan Idol, congratulations to the judges for making the biggest mistake by selecting him. Job well done guys!

Anyways, I wish luck, power, success & a brighter future to Asad Raza Sonu.

Keep Supporting,
Zahra Mirza.

ps: Can someone wipe that smug look off his face? I think if Shahmir is a dignified person, he must leave his seat gracefully for any deserving contestant.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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