Awwww, what a sad elimination. :/ Even though it was what we all somehow expected to happen but now seeing the contestant eliminated really set the mood down.
I liked the pattern of how the contestants were called on stage to hear their results. Indeed what the contestants had to say about their journey in Pakistan Idol was again very interesting. It’s like you do get emotionally attached to such things in life & their feelings came across as pure & straight from their hearts.
It was Ali Asad Zaidi & Zamad Baig who were called for their results. It was pretty evident who’d be in the danger zone & it was Ali Asad Zaidi.
Along with Zamad Baig, Kashif Ali was called to get his results. This time around Zamad Baig was safe & was sent back to the safe zone.
Now it was the time for the last two contestants Kashif Ali & Mohammad Shoaib who had to face their results & yes as expected Kashif Ali was in the danger zone.
Finally, it was time for the moment of truth when Ali Asad Zaidi & Kashif Ali had to hear the final results & sadly but rationally Kashif Ali was eliminated.
To see a young lot of boys cry their wits out for each other was actually something positive to see & spoke volumes about how nice of a people they actually are. It shows their feelings that they had for each other despite being in the competition & even though they all are fighting for the same title, they didn’t  let it affect their relation & they were equally sad for their fellow contestant.
The judges had to say really good things about Kashif Ali because obviously he is a great singer & there’s no doubt about that but what he lacked was the versatility & yes, it does matter in a show like Pakistan Idol. Hadiqa spoke about how much love he has gathered during his journey & how Mohammad Shoaib promised to leave his seat if he wouldn’t make it to the Galas as a Wild Card Entry. Hadiqa Kiyani as expected also promised to be doing a duet with him so yes, we can anticipate Kashif’s brighter future because he has been Hadiqa’s favorite & he deserves this limelight for sure.
Ali Azmat & Bushra Ansari both were overwhelmed at his elimination but they were right, at this stage who ever’d go would’ve made everyone sad because everyone has built a relation of emotional attachment to these contestants of Pakistan Idol by now. Can’t wait for the next Gala round because the contestants will perform twice & it would be last the elimination before the Finale!
I wish Kashif Ali all the best for his brighter future.
Keep Supporting,
Zahra Mirza.