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Pakistan Ramzan – Taking Madness To A Whole New Level

I am sure many of you must have heard the phrase “badnaam ho gaye tu kya naam na ho ga”, it is extremely unfortunate that “Pakistan Ramzan” (Ramzan special show on Express) relies on this particular “idea” to get popularity. Haseeb Ahmed rightly pointed out in his article regarding Ramzan special shows that most of these shows make a mockery of the holy month of Ramzan by including content that  in no way is in line with the spirit of this month. All the readers including myself agreed with him but non of us knew that Aamir Liaquat with the assistance of Express channel was going to come up with one of the most outrageous so-called Ramzan shows till date. Why rely on the likes of Veena Malik to gain popularity when we have our very own “DR” Amir Liaquat to do the honors! Whoever gave him that PhD degree should be sued and people who think that it is alright to trade your self-respect for some gifts with millions of people watching them really need a reality check.

Yes, a part of me feels sorry for these utterly needy people who think it is alright to let someone insult you on national TV if you are getting a mobile phone or motor bike  in return but a big part of me wishes that these people knew better. Most of these people obviously had no idea what they will be made to do when they decided to be a part of the show but even after they find out what they have gotten themselves into they are more than happy to play along. It makes me sick to watch Aamr Liaquat who calls himself a religious expert of some sort stoop this low only to get viewership. And it makes me sad to see people trading their self-respect for a few gifts.

I have posted here few videos from the show in which we see the sort of things Aamir Liaquat makes people do and these desperate people for some odd reason happily agree to be insulted. The music in the background and the topi on Aamir’s head may go with the spirit of Ramzan but everything else is just plain obnoxious. The gratification which Aamir Liaquat is clearly deriving from the whole experience makes it even more loathsome. We see the audience applauding him for his disgusting behavior .


Aamir Liaquat and Express are more than welcome to organize a circus with voluntary clowns and performers who will do anything to earn some goodies any month of the year but they really should know better than to use the month of Ramzan for this cheap and low-life publicity stunt. Shame on you Aamir Liaquat for coming up with such an detestable show and for claiming that this is a Ramzan Show and shame on all the religious scholars who sit in the studio and watch all of this but do not feel the need to protest. People were quick to judge and punish Shaista Lodhi and Geo but it seems like our public is readily accepting this insanity! This show is titled “Pakistan Ramzan”, does it reflect Pakistan or Ramzan in any way?

Just for the record, I obviously do not watch this show but these videos are everywhere on the web so it is impossible to avoid them. I watched one episode to see if there were any religious scholars present on the show and apparently there were quite a few of them there in the studio.

Do share your thoughts after watching the videos!

Fatima Awan

Fatima Awan
Fatima Awan has been a part of reviewit right from its inception. She feels very passionately about Pakistani dramas and loves discussing them in detail. An enthusiastic writer, thinker, and political scientist, constantly trying to look beyond the obvious. Full-time mom.

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