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Pukaar Episode 24 – Review!

Ohkay so, this episode of Pukaar took the story forward a great deal & with the preview I am guessing this was the second last episode of this drama. I’d be ecstatic if that happens & this drama ends next week but I wish in stead of wasting so much time in the flashbacks, they had utilized that time in giving it a proper closure, as there’s so much left to be taken care of. I can foresee that they might rush with the ended, as usual. I so don’t want Lali & Zamani to get a clean chit in the last 30 seconds of the drama – they need to get punished & we deserve to see them getting punished as we have tolerated their atrocities for so many weeks!!!

Honestly speaking, for me Sarang’s character is the saving grace of this drama, at least he is clear headed & knows what he wants & what he can do. However, I can’t say that about Samra as for me, she is a poorly written character & despite the hard tries of the writer to make her look like a dignified bechari, I don’t see her that way. Samra always gave Fahad a hard time & that did seem alright back then because she was new to this entire system & she questioned everything but then, she lost her voice in front of Laali Ma, the one whom she shouldn’t have surrendered in front of. Samra also seems to be giving Sarang a hard time even after knowing how things are hard for him too, but then in stead of helping the situation she is trying to look all egoistic in front of him by telling him that she didn’t need him while eventually ending up relying on him? Didn’t in a weak moment she decide to get married to him to get that social & emotional security that she felt Sarang was capable of extending towards her, then why all of a sudden she decided to come up with all these conditions before she signed the marriage contract with him?

Samra to me seems confused, obviously she felt like she was betraying Fahad & was being disloyal to him but then again, it was Samra herself who decided to go ahead & accept Sarang’s proposal not strictly for her security but also because she did develop some feelings for him along the way, but she was just being a snob to admit what she actually feels. Also, I must say that I really appreciate the editors for relying so much on all those flashbacks & those prolonged slow-mo close-ups with the OST running in the background because I forward them & the 40 minute episode cuts down to 15 minute episode & I honestly recommend this technique to all the viewers who want to make this drama bearable & its episodes easy to sit-through!

Well, Sarang couldn’t say no to anything that Samra demanded before getting married because he just wanted her comfort & ease, but all this while I was wondering how could the writer show such a Nikkah taking place because a Nikkah done with the intention of a divorce in the future is invalid right from the beginning. Well, looks like our writers take pride in twisting the basic concepts of Islam, so what else can be expected from them!

The Haveli scenario seemed pretty boring, especially after seeing Samra & Sarang in a different setting. I will say that the way Amna was being tortured was hilarious, matlab itni aged khatoon ko aisi saza? Anyways, I expected better from Tashfeen, this is what I have been saying from the beginning but she doesn’t disappoint me by stooping to new lows every single time. The way she has teamed up with Laali goes to show how weak & insecure she is, so nothing good should & can be expected from her, another wasted character!

Sarang came up with a well-thought out plan & went ahead with it because it guaranteed Samra & Qasim’s safety. Sarang knew that if he’ll take Samra back to the Haveli, he & even Samra will never be granted a chance to explain themselves & Sarang will never be allowed to let everyone know that he is not a threat to anyone there. Sarang said exactly what Sultan wanted to hear because he knew this will keep Sultan from harming Samra, Sarang & even Amna. I really like how Sarang’s character has been written by the writer, he knows his game & is quite intelligent because he tackled the entire situation the best way possible!

The episode ended on a high note but I am still not convinced with Samra. Yes, it was awkward for her to get married & even more awkward to become Sarang’s wife just like that but if she has seen the kind of man he is & if she even smiles at the thought of him being a good husband & a father, she should have just let everything unworded, without bringing those conditions in between because Sarang is a gentleman & he would have treated her with utmost respect even if she hadn’t demanded it from him. Anyways, please share your thoughts about this episode of Pukaar.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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