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Ramzan Mein Bol ! Liaqat’s best so far!(?)

Amir Liaqat, the man who can surprise you whenever he wants to, leaves no stone unturned in order to come up with better songs for his Ramzan transmission. However,where his songs seemed to have pleased the viewers, at the same time, have  disappointed them  to some extent in the past.

Lack of innovation , uniqueness and same old tunes made the listeners disinterested.However, after Aslam Ramzan , Mehman Ramzan, Pehchan Ramzan and Iman Ramzan, Ramzan Mein Bol has made its mark. From the song lyrics to the video concept and execution, everything seems better than before.

With a bigger change in his transmission style, Liaqat has once again surprised us all, specially with the Ramzan song.This time around, it is unique, it is innovative. It is Ramzan Mein Bol!

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