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Sadqay Tumhare – Episode 03!

OO EM JEE! You don’t want this drama to end, do you? Finally, this episode was all about Shano & Khalil & something exactly that we all were waiting for. I am so glad that they decided to give us what we wished for at a very right time. I am loving this drama like anything & I must give due credit to the director for stirring up the curiosity with each passing episode, yet revealing the cards when needed. I think the pace of the play has been really good till now & I wish it stays the same.

I must say, I could relate to Shano’s character the moment this episode began & for that I commend the team & Mahira Khan especially for acting out Shano so well. While she was taking care of Khalil’s dinner, the fear & confusion was evident on her face & in her words. It really seemed that Shano was eager to earn the apology for pushing him to a limit where he had to show his anger, yet she was ready to do her bit while overlooking her mother’s strict orders.

I wasn’t too sure about why the issue of Khalil’s meal was given so much importance, obviously they had to show the staunch side of his character but in the first few minutes of the episode I wished they had resorted to something else to reveal this side of him & I expected some courtesy from him seeing how he came to meet his relatives after good 7 years but I am glad that thing subsided pretty quickly where everyone gave him the space he was looking for & finally, after a good sleep, he started afresh & was reminded that he came here to meet Shano in the first place. As the episode progressed & seeing how Khalil eased up a bit, that made me understand him a lot better as well.

Finally, Shano & Khalil laid eyes on each other & it was magical. There were a lot of unsaid things that said it all. Khalil has seen the love she has for him & those few footsteps that he took while looking at her made him understand that he was headed in the right direction & he has found a partner that he was looking for. He definitely wanted to speak to her but what he would’ve said still remains a mystery & gives out another reason to anticipate what might happen next.


The thing I enjoyed the most throughout this episode was the involvement of relatives in this whole scenario. It was really sweet to see how each & every single person in the family valued Shano & Khalil’s engagement & Shano also found a cousin who could understand her feelings, relate to her & then tried to help her the best way she could so that Shano feels comfortable & gets rids of the delusions she had garnered in regards to Khalil. On the other hand, there was also a relative who kept on reminding Ameen of his responsibility towards the promise that was made way back when Shano was born. Ameen obviously thinks a little too high of himself where he thinks he can back out on the promise & call the engagement off but little does he know that there are a lot of people who’d stand up for Shano & Khalil. Ameen obviously is practical where he looks out for financial status a bit more than anything else & that is still understandable considering he’s a father of Shano but the way he kept on presenting convoluted logics to show his disinterest only highlighted that even though he has no reasons to break the promise to begin with, he won’t be convinced at anything Khalil’s family would say because he & Rasheeda have pretty much made up their minds.

I think the scene where Shano goes to meet Khalil was executed brilliantly where they showed exactly how Shano was struggling to maintain the balance between what she loves & what she values, who she wants & who she respects. For once Shano did back out because her mother asked her to but I think the thing what really made her stand out was the way she shared her feelings with her mother. Shano clearly left her speechless but what I loved about her character was that she knows how to voice her opinions & isn’t one of those who’d submit to unreasonable demands of her parents without questioning them.

‘Dua kar ke mangni toot jaye, phir mai bataoonga ke mangniyaan sachay dilon se hoti hain, jhooti zubanon se nahi’. This pretty much sums up Khalil’s perspective & his plans about fulfilling the promise from his side. He certainly knows how to get what he wants & I am sure Khalil will do everything to win Shano because he has obviously fallen in love with her. I loved the way the episode ended where Khalil made his presence felt. I think Samiya Mumtaz & Rehaan Sheikh acted brilliantly in that scene especially & I loved seeing Ameen & Rasheeda getting agitated by how Khalil was overtaking them. I had a good laugh & loved how Khalil made sure he conveys his message to Shano that too right in front of her parents, ‘Jee Khala, pura dehaan hai mera’. :)

Loved the episode as usual. Loved the execution. Loved the direction. Loved the acting & everything about this play & yes most importantly, I loved the locations & loved listening to the band playing the old melodies. I think the team of Sadqay Tumhare has worked really hard in achieving the feel of that era & they’ve been successful for sure. So glad that we finally have that Hum TV quality drama back on our screens & I can’t wait to see more because the preview seemed very enticing & I am sure things are going to get pretty serious henceforth. Before I conclude I must say this episode belongs to both Shano & Khalil but I’d say a little more to Shano because she pictured her feelings loud & clear. & I must say even though I wasn’t too sure about Adnan Malik’s acting in the previous episode, he has once again proved himself. Well done to Mahira Khan & Adnan Malik both. & I think I’m becoming Shano’s (read Mahira’s) fan slowly & steadily haha. Share your thoughts on this episode of Sadqay Tumharay please.

Keep Supporting,
Zahra Mirza.

PS: I’m covering for my dear friend Fatima Awan, please look out for her say in the comments. :)

Mahira Khan

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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