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Sang e Marmar Episode 20 Review – Picking Up The Pieces!

Ohkay so, this was for the first time that I procrastinated in tuning to Sang e Marmar, not for any other reason but because I knew that this episode will be very intense & heart-wrenching too because we will see each & every single character going through the pain of losing their loved ones & they will still be mourning their deaths. I knew that in this episode, we will be shown how every single one of them would be picking up the pieces & trying to move on which would be a very sad situation & this is exactly what this episode was all about. I loved how the director created this feel of sadness & grief in this episode by taking away the vibrancy & making everything dim & dull, like right from the first frame till the very last moment, I could feel that this episode had a very sad feel to it & was dedicated to the storm that had taken over their lives. This aspect goes to show the attention to detail that has gone into making this drama & how the director took care of each & everything. Where the writer did his job in giving us a very strong & unique script, the director made sure to do full justice to it by even taking care of the mood of every single episode & that is why, where the director has made us laugh by adding a few comic situations, he is now helping us in experiencing the loss that everyone has suffered, which is absolutely incredible!

For the first time, I abhorred Torah Khan, only because I saw how heart-broken & emotionally shattered Shireen was. Only for the sake of avenging his mother’s death, Torah Khan transpired the entire situation where he gained some sort of satisfaction, but Shireen was the one at the losing end. Shireen lost her brother & her husband & I seriously think, Torah & Durkhane, both are equally responsible for Shireen’s ordeal. I loved how Gulistan Khan stepped ahead & gave Shireen a shoulder to cry on. Yes, he was being nice to her because he wanted a grandchild from her, but now that Safiullah’s gone, even Gulistan Khan is forced to do some thinking & he seemed so aloof to his needs & desires, that right now, all he could think of was to console a young girl, who probably lost everything.

I must say, I love the way Torah Khan’s character has been conceived by the writer, like where at one point, I was feeling a strong sense of detest for him, the very next moment when I saw him looking at his mother’s pictures, I felt sympathy for him as well & that is the beauty of this script & his character specifically. Torah is just blinded by revenge that is why he is unable to see that in the pursuit of achieving his goals, he has actually turned into a monster. But I won’t be lying if I say that Torah seems justified because his mother Rakshi didn’t deserve what she went through & also, Torah didn’t deserve the ill-treatment that he got at the hands of Gulistan & probably all of his children excluding Aurang, all his life, so yes, it is amazing how you just can not hate his character because you understand his thought process!

Shameem…it was the most powerful scene of tonight’s episode where Gulistan Khan called his wife by his name. That particular scene was a blend of so many emotions & experiences, because of which it became one of my favorite scenes from the entire drama. Gulistan referred to his wife as Safiullah Ki Ma, out of his habit but, he chose to call her by her name because he knew that calling her through Safiullah’s reference might only hurt her – this was actually something that Gulistan Khan did due to some consideration for his wife, but little did he know that even her name had so many hurtful memories attached to it that it’ll cause her more pain. They took us back to the moment when Gulsitan & Shameem started their life together & just in the first interaction with his wife, Gulistan showed Shameem her the place she had in his life. Gulistan believed in treating his wife like a nobody or probably a doormat & he wanted to show her that he will always boss around her. That was the first memory Shameem had of her marriage, of her name & also of an identity that she never really had. Despite having a name, Shameem never really had it, she didn’t have an identity & that is why, she realized that after giving up so much, she earned it, she earned a name & now at this stage, she earned an identity which she probably longed for all her life.

I loved how they showed Gulistan Khan in a very different light in this episode, he is not the same Gulistan Khan anymore that we were introduced to because at this stage, he has lost almost everything, he has lost his pride, his has lost his honor, he has lost his arrogance, his confidence, everything & that is why, we saw him doing a very sweet gesture for his wife because somehow where he wanted to give her a shoulder to cry on, he also felt like relying on her emotionally as well. It was beautiful!

So, Torah Khan succeeded in dodging the bullet. He never really imagined that Gulistan Khan will question him, even though he just did it out of speculation, completely based on ‘what if’, but the way Torah stuttered showed how he was still scared of Gulistan Khan. I somehow have a feeling that if Gulistan will get some sort of hint about the fact that Torah actually was with Safiullah, he will surely get to the crux of the matter by just having a conversation with Torah Khan. Right now, Torah might think that he succeeded in distracting Gulistan, but it is only because Gulistan himself is so mentally & emotionally scattered, that he couldn’t see through Torah’s discomfort with which he was replying to Gulistan. The way Gulistan started questioning Aurang & Torah both went to show that he was unable to comprehend why Safiullah went against Gulistan’s word because if there was one thing that Safiullah had done all his life, that was showing obedience to his father, no matter what he said. But there was another thing that made Gulistan doubt Safiullah was the fact when Aurang confirmed that it was Safiullah who told him to take Gullalai to the hospital in the city, like I loved how that little conversation was added which changed everything that Gulistan was thinking & trying to figure out because after getting to know about it, he realized that if Safiullah could go against his father’s wishes & send his wife to the city, he could also not care about the promise that his father made regarding Saif ur Rehman as well!

Sadly after Gullalai, Sherbano has Shireen on her hit-list & she wants Shireen out from her parent’s house because she says Shireen reminds her of her brothers. Sherbano girl, you seriously need something in your life, some sort of activity, some hobby, try painting or book reading may be, because the way you only devise plans to insult & ruin people’s lives, it makes you look like you have nothing to do & you’re absolutely jobless. Yes, I do understand that Sherbano has lost her brothers, but how can she evaluate that her pain is bigger than Shireen or Shameem even? Sherbano seriously has gotten used to the idea of negativity & bitterness that she lives off of it. I loved the conversation Shameem had with Sherbano where she snubbed her & told her to leave her place. Seriously, I am wondering is there ‘anything/anyone’ that makes Sherbano happy? Is there ‘anything/anyone’ that Sherbano’s content with? Sherbano has a problem with each & every single thing & person in her life & seriously, it makes me feel sad for her because she has no idea how bitter she has become & how it is taking a toll on her!

Oh dear, the way Pari reacted was something that I surely wasn’t expecting. I love love loveeeeee how unpredictable everything in this drama is, right till this stage, like we’re done with 20 episodes & you just can not predict how a certain character will react. Where like all the usual dramas, I thought Saif ur Rehman’s death will force Pari to do some thinking, where her husband’s death will force her to reflect on all of her wrongdoings, there she was appreciating her beauty, blaming her husband for being a coward & for choosing to die? I thought may be Pari will try to get in contact with Shireen & she might be sorry for what she did but this lady took my by surprise, haha. I love how excruciatingly thick-skinned she is, like where I was thinking she will be feeling guilty for what she did with her dead husband’s ikloti sister, there she was, not even scared to admit that she wasn’t sad at her husband’s death. What a unique & beautifully twisted character, haha! Saif ur Rehman’s relatives actually underestimated Pari & her intelligence, she knew why they came to meet her & I loved the way she shooed them away, she sure is a one-woman-army & I am sure she won’t let anyone have things their way!

Another beautiful scene from tonight’s episode was the conversation that Gulistan & Aurang had. Gulistan & Aurang opened up to each other & just when Aurang was feeling that he should give up & that he should let everyone stay where they are because he felt they were happy with how miserable their life was, just a single conversation with Gulistan changed the way he was thinking & put things into perspective. Gulistan Khan did admit that Aurang hurt his ego & out of all his children, he knew that Aurang would be the one who could threaten his power, his authority, his position because he was different & he was rebellious. This is exactly what I said weeks ago in one of my reviews that the way Aurang took a stand for his mother, it made Gulistan realize that he had to draw a line because like Gohar & Safiullah, Aurang might not do what Gulistan would want him to do. I loved how like a defeated father who lost pretty much everything, Gulistan ended up admitting that he never physically abused Shameem after that day because his youngest son taught him something completely different to what he learned from his father. I loved how both Aurang & Gulistan came clean but where Gulistan’s confession was completely unexpected, it told Aurang that he could actually bring some changes because he brought a change in his father when he himself was very young & somehow this is what his father would allow him to do now. I think after this conversation, Aurang will get the confidence to take matters in his hands & somehow I feel Gulistan will start relying on him & he will begin to trust Aurang & his intelligence too as he already knows how Aurang has a control over his emotions & how he is different from Gohar & Safiullah. I think we will get to see a fresh & a very strong bond between Gulistan & Aurang which will actually be quite beautiful!

Oh well, seems like everything is done & is over from Torah Khan’s side, but I have a feeling things are about to begin. Torah has successfully avenged his mother’s death & he seems to be at a happy place, but I am sure things are far from being over. Torah even prayed that he never gets to use his mind to play games ever again but I am sure he’s in for a ride, but now that I am saying this, I am not too sure because things have been so so so unpredictable in this drama that where you expect one thing, something entirely different happens, so let’s see!

Overall, this episode was intense & powerful. Each & every single scene of this episode was perfectly done, was absolutely important & was just so intense. Be it Gulistan trying to pick up the pieces, be it Shameem crying at her loss, be it Shireen mourning the death of her husband & her brother, be it Pari assuring herself, be it Sherbano spewing venom against Shireen, be it Aurang trying to figure out what he should do or be it Torah trying to dodge the bullet, each & every single situation was spot on & all of them were in sync with their characters. It is actually quite amazing that you know how a certain character will react yet you are not sure of what they’re going to do next. The script of this drama is absolutely incredible & it has been directed beautifully & perfectly by the director. I loved the dialogues in this episode as well, like each & every single conversation is meaningful & has so much of depth in it. The star of tonight’s episode for sure was Sania Saeed, for that one powerful & intense scene. Noman Ejaz, Mikaal Zulfikar, Masroor Paras, Uzma Hassan, Kaif Ghaznavi, Kubra Khan & Sharmeen Ali did a wonderful wonderful wonderful job too. Hmmmmm, now that I have written all the names, it makes me sad how few of them are left & so many of them have died. :( Anyways, please share your thoughts about this beautiful episode of Sang e Marmar.

Keep Supporting,
Zahra Mirza.

PS: On a lighter note, I so wish Mikaal Zulfikar hadn’t shared Noman Ejaz’s funny picture last week saying ‘When Daa Jee realized he is stuck with Aurang’ because when both of them were having such an intense conversation, I was actually laughing while thinking about that photo, haha! :)

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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