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Sang e Marmar Episode 25 Review – Needs To Pick Up The Pace!

Ohkay so, looks like they have considerably slowed down the pace of the drama, even though I honestly don’t mind tuning to Sang e Marmar every week like it is one such drama that I look forward to, but I think they really need to move things forward & should start wrapping things up because they have taken a lot of time already. Having said that, I will say that I had a good time watching this episode too but this one & the last episode weren’t as gripping as all the previous episodes of Sang e Marmar have been & just because we have such high expectations every single week from this drama, anything short of perfection leaves us disheartened.

So, seeing Sherbano dancing carelessly reminded Gulistan of Rakshi, like I said in the previous review, this must be another reality check that Gulistan’ll be getting & I was right. Gulistan literally beat Rakshi to death because he saw her dancing & now he couldn’t believe that his own daughter was doing something that he hates the most. What I liked the most about this entire episode was how Gulistan is getting one reality check after another. Even though he is trying to redeem himself but I have always felt that it doesn’t make him entitled to any forgiveness, so this is exactly what is happening. Gulistan on his own thought that he left everything & now he is on a path to redemption so everything’s done & dusted, forgiven & forgotten, but he was sadly mistaken to believe that his wrongdoings won’t be haunting him anymore. Just because Gulistan assumed that he is done with everything, it didn’t mean that he will now become scot-free. I find Gulistan’s journey & his entire track quite convincing, like it is quite realistic how they have showed that in his pride & arrogance he did everything blindly, thinking he was right, then he realized he was wrong so he decided to call it quits, he found some inner peace for a few days as he was feeling lighter but now, once again all of his wrongdoings are burdening his soul.

To be honest, I am now getting ticked off with Sherbano big time. I think she has gotten enough coverage already & just when I was feeling happy that she got rebuked by Gulistan & now probably will take a back seat, looks like she got another trump card in her hand to stir some trouble & I think this time around, she & Torah will be on the same page because where Torah doesn’t want to see Shireen getting married to Aurang, similarly, Sherbano doesn’t want that to happen as well. Also, just like Sherbano, I am getting sick of Pari too, I just can’t wait for her to face the consequences for all the things that she has done till date. It is sickening to see that despite knowing it was Durkhane who used to meet Gohar, she is still spreading lies that it was Shireen who used to meet him. Pari seems mentally incapacitated to me, like Shireen has nothing to do with her anymore as she is being looked after by her new family members, so what is it that is making Pari restless that she wants to create havoc in Shireen’s life once again? I for once really want Shireen to come clean & stop taking the brunt for something that her friend Durkhane is responsible for because she has lost enough already by keeping this secret from everyone, so now she should speak up!

Gulistan’s confession to Shameem about how he killed his own father shook her & Aurang to no end, but yes, I will say that I found it a little amusing & unconvincing that just so that Aurang could eavesdrop on that conversation, he was brought back to the village from the city, I think they could’ve easily achieved that using some other scenario. Yes, that truth was hard for Aurang to absorb that is why he lost all the respect that he had for Gulistan. I feel if Aurang hadn’t found out about what Gulistan did, he might’ve agreed to his father’s suggestion of him getting married to Shireen but I think now things will be different because like Aurang has already said, he is done being his successor, which also means, he is done taking orders from him. I feel may be Gulistan is at the verge of becoming senile, like there were a few things that he did in this & the previous episode that did suggest that may be the guilt of his sins & wasting his entire life is becoming overbearing for him that he might be losing his sanity.

So, Torah & Aurang finally got to know that Gulistan wants Aurang to get married to Shireen, now I think more than Aurang, Torah will take desperate measures to make sure that it is his sister who gets the love of her life. Yes, Torah is somehow justified in believing that Shireen used to meet Gohar because this is what he witnessed himself when he saw a woman entering Saif ur Rehman’s home after meeting with Gohar, but what Pari has instigated has no justification because she knows the truth & is still hiding it.

It was good to see Kalimullah treating Durkhane with so much of respect & affection. They both have started their journey on a good note but I hope once the truth gets out that Durkhane was the one who used to meet Gohar, Kalimullah would still treat her with respect. I think even though Durkhane has told everything to her brother & she feels at ease, but she still has some damage control left to do because Shireen is facing the brunt for her wrongdoings & that needs to be sorted out. I think they have relied a lot on the single joke of Durkhane’s mother wanting Kalimullah’s mother to die, but I wish before that joke loses its affect completely, they bring in Bulbul or something new to keep that comic relief in the future episodes.

Overall, this episode was interesting but a little too slow. I think slow pace doesn’t matter much if the story is being moved forward but since that has stopped, the slow pace is becoming a bit more evident. As always, all the performances of all the actors, especially Noman Ejaz were perfect. The direction has been amazing so far & the way the story is being told is still quite engaging. I will say I liked how they showed a very simple & effortless marriage ceremony of Kalimullah & Durkhane, depicting how marriages should take place. Anyways, let’s see how things roll & let’s hope that things move forward in the next episode at least. Please share your thoughts about this episode of Sang e Marmar.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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