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Surkh Chandni Episode 9 & 10 Story Review – Depressing

Opening Thoughts – Depressing:

Ohkay so, this episode of Surkh Chandni & this drama in general has been quite depressing. I say that as a compliment that they have shown everything just so realistically & have covered all the aspects of such a tragedy in such a convincing manner that before tuning to Surkh Chandni, I actually have to make up my mind. I have to force myself to watch Surkh Chandni because I know it is going to be quite heavy.


This episode of Surkh Chandni covered all the aspects that Aida’s tragedy brought along. It was like Aida became the talk of the town & everyone felt entitled to have a say on this & believe the rumours. Junaid made sure to do something beyond Aida’s imagination to further tarnish her reputation & he succeeded because Mukhtar was the first one to believe everything & hold Aida responsible for facing all of this.

This entire situation has landed Aida’s entire family in hot waters because in stead of sympathizing with them or being compassionate towards them, the neighbours gathered to let Mukhtar know that his family was being a nuisance to them all. This was another angle which was covered brilliantly that people participate in gossiping but no one comes forward to lend help of any sorts & when the time comes, everyone turns their backs towards the victims.

Amaan’s role in this entire situation is like a ray of hope. It is brilliant how the writer has shown that for acid attack victims, the hope is never lost & there are always people around them who are willing to help them deal with & come out of this darkest phase of their lives. Amaan has been nothing but supportive of Aida. He has tried to uplift her every step of the way but then Aida can’t do much when her own brother has turned against her. It was nice to see that Aida considered getting married to Amaan because she knew he will take care of her but then, it wasn’t meant to be. Amaan’s eagerness to help Aida start afresh was sweet, it was nice to see him doing everything to arrange a ring for Aida.

Aida’s father couldn’t take it anymore & he succumbed to the pressures so much that he took his own life. It was tragic but it wasn’t something brave that he did. Aida’s father was always weak, he did try to take a stand but always faltered in front of Mukhtar citing his financial support as a reason behind his weakness. Anyways, he passed away & this was the last thing Aida wanted to see or hear because eventually everyone is going to hold her responsible for her father’s death.

The last scene of this episode was intense, it was good that Aida decided to take the matters in her hand because no one else was believing or listening to her. It was also realistically shown that both Shumaila & Junaid’s mother did feel a little guilty upon hearing the news of Aida’s father’s death. They know they are supporting the wrong but they are biased & have their agendas. Shumaila is supporting Junaid because he helps her financially & his mother is supporting him because he is obviously her son.

Closing Thoughts – Depressing:

Overall, this episode of Surkh Chandni was done brilliantly but was very very depressing. I really hope they show some positivity in Aida’s life from now on where she comes out of this phase & does something good for herself. The acting of Sohai Ali Abro in this episode was top-notch. Osman Khalid Butt as Amaan has been convincing too. Hassan Ahmed outdid himself in this episode especially. Please share your thoughts about this episode of Surkh Chandni.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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