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Thora Sa Aasman Episode 11 Review – Rakshi; The Talk of The Town!

Ohkay so, this episode of Thora Sa Aasman was quite interesting to watch. I am glad that this episode brought another chapter with it & everything was covered perfectly. All the tracks are being unfolded at a very decent pace with a lot of interesting happenings in each of the characters lives. I must say, there’s a simplicity with which the director approached this script & that is why, by not complicating things, the director made it easy for us to understand the journey of all the characters.

In this entire episode, Rakshi was the one who was being discussed & hated. Rakshi has taken everyone’s life by storm. While there’s only one man who is standing by her side, the rest of the people are suffering badly because of her. Muneeza grows a little suspicious of Rakshi because she hears about her from Shabana & when she confronts Mansoor, that’s when her fears get confirmed where Mansoor clearly tells her that no matter what happens, he won’t give up on Raksi because he needs her. Talha, Osama, Masood, Shabana, Muneeza, Roshaan, Safiya, Fareeda, each one of them feel that Mansoor is getting carried away & he is being wrong in his judgment. Each & everyone can’t really put a finger on what it is because of which Mansoor is so convinced to fight for the sake of Rakshi so much that is he is literally not worried an ounce about his family.

Haroon Kamal plays the cupid & he tells Rakshi that Mansoor loves him, while Mansoor on his own was still contemplating whether to confess or not because he wasn’t sure what Rakshi’s answer will be. Haroon Kamal is doing everything to tear Ambar’s family apart because it is his way of taking a revenge for the way she misbehaved with him because other than that, there’s no justification of Haroon’s involvement in this entire scenario. Despite hearing from everyone & despite getting ignored by Rakshi, Ambar still doesn’t grow suspicious of her friend because she can not conceive of the fact that her friend can betray her. Ambar thinks just by speaking to Rakshi & telling her to quit her job, she will make things right & she will be able to restore her family’s happiness but little did she know that both Mansoor & Rakshi were into each other & at this stage, there was absolutely no one who could part them.

The very first glimpse that Mansoor gets in Rakshi’s life if when he sees Zafar creating a scene in her house. That’s when Mansoor realizes that Rakshi has lived a tough life & even after getting so much of support from him & standing up on her feet, she is vulnerable & still not so secure. That is when Mansoor feels the urge to protect Rakshi, out of sympathy for her & may be out of his love for her. Mansoor takes everything in his hand because he promises to himself that he will do everything to give Rakshi the peace of mind that she deserves & that is why he goes out of the way to settle things with Zafar once & for all. I was actually quite surprised to see Saiqa’s indifferent attitude towards Mansoor’s proposal for Rakshi, it was like she had no objection about the fact that he was married, was double her age & had kids who were the same age as Rakshi. Just because Saiqa herself has lived a miserable life, she found it as an opportunity for Rakshi to shape up her life because she bagged a proposal of a man like Mansoor who was quite wealthy. They both get married & that’s when Rakshi learns about the lengths Mansoor can go to for her because he gifts her a house that she could only dream of!

Shahista Kamal on the other hand comes across Shaheer & she goes out of the way to create more such opportunities where she can see him. Shahista feels an affection towards Shaheer & may be it is because he reminds her of the son that she had to abandon when he was just born. Fatima is living a peaceful life with her children Shaheer, Saani & Samar. Samar gets an opportunity to model for a TV commercial where he meets Haroon Kamal’s daughter Nayab & I am sure things are going to get a lot more interesting.

Even though the director has done justice to all the characters, I feel the growth of Fatima’s character & the entire journey, with how much devotion & determination she brings herself & her kids to this stage & raise them to be such good human beings, has been heavily compromised upon. When I read the novel & fast forward to this point, only by reading I could see the difference in Fatima’s attitude, her mannerisms & her nature but I am not sure why Fatima in this drama seems like an after thought. All this while when I was waiting for her character to make an appearance again, I thought we’ll get to see a very humble, refined, a very decent & mature Fatima who would’ve made a name for herself because of her wisdom & who would’ve influenced the lives of her children in a very unique way, but when I see uncombed hair, annoyed expressions & a very swift dialogue delivery of Yasra Rizvi, I feel she is just the same Fatima who was kicked out of her mother’s home & she till date has not changed one bit. I know things are always different in novel & in the drama but if this would’ve been about a supporting character, I wouldn’t have paid heed to these intricacies that but this is about Fatima, an integral part of the novel & probably the main lead where at one point the entire story will revolve around her, so I think the director should’ve paid more attention to her growth & her maturity. I feel in stead of looking like their mother, Fatima looks like a very strict & disciplined elder sister of Shaheer, Saani & Samar & that’s about it.

I know these are two different projects & I didn’t follow the PTV version of Thora Sa Aasman but I do remember catching a few glimpses of Aliya Imam’s performance & the entire get up that she did to translate Fatima’s character on screen really made those glimpses so impactful that I still remember them clearly. So unfortunately, even if I don’t want to compare, I am forced to think that Yasra Rizvi had such a phenomenal performance in front of her to learn from & if she or even the director were having troubles in elaborating Fatima’s character, they could’ve easily taken some inspiration from Aliya Imam because her performance was far more stronger, in terms of acting & appearance & she literally did justice to Fatima, so much so that when I read the novel a couple of years ago, every single time I read Fatima’s scenes, I only had an image of Aliya Imam in my mind. I really hope now when Fatima’s character has finally made a reentry, the director shifts the focus from Mansoor/Haroon’s story to her side of the story because her journey was full of beautiful lessons that she would teach to her children, some very emotional moments that they as a close-knit family shared with each other, where they lived for each other & so many other beautiful things like these. Honestly speaking, I hate to say this but I feel Yasra Rizvi has ruined the charm of Fatima’s character because Umera Ahmed’s concept behind Fatima’s character was so beautiful, it was about a journey of a woman who didn’t have an outer beauty & she came from a very dark place, but due to her own wisdom & the motherly instincts, she grew into such a wonderful human being who was beautiful from the inside & was known for her beautiful nature. I wish, I so wish Yasra Rizvi & even the director had understood the essence of Fatima’s character & had worked harder to elaborate that on screen.

Overall, this episode was done really well with some very effortless performances. I like how all the actors don’t seem forceful with their acting & because of that they make it look like they have owned the characters assigned to them. Yes, at times, Ushna Shah does seems like a weakling but she has done a fairly decent job as Rakshi. I am sure things are going to get a lot more interesting so I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us. Please share your thoughts about this episode of Thora Sa Aasman.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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