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Yaar e Bewafa Episode 05 – Convincing Developments!

Ohkay so, it was yet another interesting episode of Yaar e Bewafa. It is commendable how the story is progressing & we are getting to understand the characters better with each passing episode. They are slowly turning the pages of the story & it sure makes it engaging enough.

So, this episode shed a light on how the differences were slowly creeping in between Fizza & Zaid. The moment I saw Fizza’s friend Neelam, I knew something was going to change in her & that’s exactly what happened. I won’t blame Neelam though because she only heard one side of the story & because she sympathized with Fizza thinking she doesn’t have an access to all the luxuries that she was used to, she kept on giving her the advice that suited Fizza the best. Fizza would’ve never ever paid attention to Neelam if she had told Fizza that she needs to be patient & understand Zaid’s condition, but just because what Neelam said was in line with Fizza’s own thoughts, she turned it into an opportunity to think that Zaid was wrong & he wasn’t giving her, her due rights.

I like how they have realistically shown all the pressures a person deals with, like with Zaid, he was already tensed because of his mother & because of that he was unable to perform well at his job & to add more to the baggage, Fizza was making things difficult for him as well. It was good to see that Zaid decided to take the matters in his hands & contacted Mr. Siddique to get the tender approved as he knew that if he wouldn’t do that, it would cost him his job & at this stage he couldn’t afford that. Zaid was tensed when this issue was persisting at his job & it showed in his behavior even when he was home but the moment he fixed everything, his mood changed & he seemed far more relaxed. All these little details add more reality to every single situation & for that the director should be commended. The moment Fizza started having issues with Zaid’s decision, she also stopped taking care of his mother & that was another realistic portrayal of how people usually react when things don’t go their way!

I think even though Fizza has sacrificed a lot, but all this while, she has developed this habit of rubbing her sacrifices on Zaid’s face every time she wants something to be done & that is why, even now when she saw that Zaid’s mother needed him the most, she kept on remininding him that he was forgetting about all the things that she has done for him. In all these years, Fizza has gotten used to the idea of Zaid doing compromises that even in this situation, she expects him to compromise on his mother’s well-being only to accompany her to Australia because she is fixated with the idea of a better future.

For the first time, Saleem was seen trying to do something for the sake of his family too & his friend gave him the idea of opening a mobile shop because that would guarantee a steady income. I totally understand that Saleem is also a depiction of reality of such men who treat their wives as nobody & don’t even give them the right to question or suggest something, so even though his behavior is realistic, I find him off-putting, like the moment Saleem’s character comes on-screen I am actually waiting for his scene to get over so that I get to see something/someone else. I hate the way he treats Amna & I actually hope to see him out of her life because she actually deserves so much better. Anyways, I really hope they give us some background story of Amna’s character too for us to know & understand how she ended up with a man like Saleem!

Overall, this episode was detailed & interesting too. I liked how they didn’t just overdo everything yet & slowly started showing how Zaid & Fizza were drifting apart because of Fizza’s irrationality. Fizza definitely has left her parents for Zaid’s sake but that was her own decision & now because she has decided that Zaid should leave his mother, she thinks he is obliged to follow it. This shows how Fizza always had this selfishness in her & she only has niceness to offer till things go her way because now when its the time for her to stand by her husband, she has started seeing him as the culprit who doesn’t want what’s best for his family. I can’t wait to see what more do they have in store for us. Please share your thoughts about this episode of Yaar e Bewafa.

Keep Supporting,
Zahra Mirza.

ps: In the era of 1080p, GEO TV uploaders are doing such a huge favor by uploading videos in 240p. It is such a huge favor I swear because they also had the option of sticking with 144p but they chose to go a notch higher, thank you so very much guys, it means so muchhh!
*rolling my eyes*

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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