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Yakeen Ka Safar Episode 28 Review – Epic!

Ohkay so, another week, another epic episode of Yakeen Ka Safar. Even though so much happened in this episode & every single character had something going on for them, I felt like I wanted to see more & this episode shouldn’t have ended. The best part in this episode was how it was shown that all the characters learnt from their past mistakes & now they were afraid to repeat those mistakes. The transition that everyone went through was the highlight of this episode for me & I can’t wait to see more.

So, Khajista’s case resurfaced the regret that Asfand & even Usman had for not supporting Daniyal. Asfand worded it perfectly, even though they were dealing with different people, the case was exactly the same where a weak & harmless girl was forced to put up with abuse. At first, I thought that it was Zubiya who changed Asfand’s thinking because when Khajista first came to their hospital, Asfand only treated her as a patient without getting emotionally involved in her case, so I thought may be because Asfand knew what Khajista meant to Zubiya, he decided to fight for her this time, but it wasn’t only because of her. I loved the message that Farhat Ishtiyaq has imparted through this story that in stead of letting your fears get the better of you, you should fight them & no matter what has happened in your past, you shouldn’t let it cloud your judgment for the rest of your life. Usman & Asfand both knew how Daniyal was trying hard to fight that battle singlehandedly & they didn’t support him but now, they learnt from their mistakes & realized it was important for them to help the weak, something that Daniyal was trying to do. Even though Zubiya has also played a part in changing Asfand’s perspective by showing him that it is perfectly alright to treat patients as a family & to feel their pain by getting emotionally involved, but Daniyal was the main driving force which compelled Asfand to bring that change in himself, in his father & in Khajista’s life. Even though Daniyal is no more but his principles, his values & his battle have taught a lifelong lesson to his family. This was the best part of tonight’s episode for me!

All this while I thought Bahadur was just someone who had no control over his emotions & he was deprived of analytical thinking, but the way he bruised Khan’s ego by comparing him with Asfand & telling him about his popularity, in order to save himself showed that he was quite a manipulator & knew exactly how to save himself in grave circumstances!

Another thing I noticed was how Usman received Khan’s phone call. It was the same Usman who got scared when he received Rab Nawaz’s phone call & had no courage to give it back to him, but this time around, Usman banged the phone on Khan’s face, which showed that he was not scared anymore & that he was ready to fight the battle alongside Asfand as he finally understood this is what Daniyal was trying to do, he has realized that fighting for the right is not going to be easy but all he has to do is be courageous & focused to get the weak some justice for all that she went through. I must say even though the conversation that Usman had with Khajista was perfect, like the essence of it was conveyed perfectly where he was trying to tell her that she had to stand up for herself, I felt that it could’ve been worded a bit better, somehow the dialogues were a bit too dramatic yet plain, if that makes sense, but yes, better wording would’ve made an even bigger impact!

So, Rehan finally realized his mistake, obviously it was a slow process, he started feeling guilty but now the burden was getting overbearing that is why he didn’t even wait for the appropriate time & ended up calling Mahjabeen. In order to prove that he really was eager to meet Zubiya, Rehan decided to show up at Mahjabeen’s doorstep because he knew that there was no way she was going to trust him by giving him Zubiya’s information on the phone. Rehan actually has realized how he wronged Zubiya & he seriously wants to make amends. Even though I am sure Zubiya will forgive Rehan, but I am keen to see her reaction.

Dr. Haroon’s proposal to Gaiti was yet another highlight of this episode. Haroon got to share everything that he had in his heart for Gaiti & that somehow moved her a bit. Like Gaiti said, all this while she saw him as a non-serious person who wasn’t sensitive enough to understand what Gaiti’s mind set was but just by telling Gaiti that he himself has gone through the same pain, he himself has experienced what it is like to lose a life partner, he moved her emotionally – those tears & that sympathy on Gaiti’s face said it all!

So, Khan got to see Asfand’s popularity & he realized that it won’t be easy harming him because it would not only put Khan in the spotlight, he could also lose his power, his position because the localites genuinely & sincerely respected Dr. Asfand Yar. Bahadur got arrested & Khan decided to leave the country, showing that he already gave up as he understood that he won’t be able to get away if he touched Dr. Asfand.

I loved the last scene of this episode as well. I loved how it was directed like all the emotions were conveyed beautifully. Asfand sat there & even though he is going through so much, he still had Zubiya on his mind, it shows how much he loves her because while still being pre-occupied, he was thinking of Zubiya only to be reminded of the fact that he was the witness of the worst moment that came into Zubiya’s life. I loved how that entire scene was tied in a sense that there Asfand was, thinking about Zubiya & the next moment, he found out something about her that shook him to no end. Will Asfand feel burdened by Zubiya’s past mistake or will he now understand the reason behind Zubiya’s rejection? Can’t wait to see!

This episode was simply perfect. Even though all the supporting characters got so much of coverage but every single scene, every single scenario was important. All the characters have a major contribution in the story & that is why they make it complete. I must say Hira looked absolutely gorgeous & very graceful in the proposal scene. Also, there was a scene in which all three men; Usman, Dr. Shehroz & Dr. Asfand were in specs, well let’s just say they took specs to a whole new level, lol, very graceful & charming I must say. The preview of the next episode was interesting as well but I’d rather not discuss it, as it will take away the charm of what is yet to come & will request the readers to keep the discussions related to this episode only. Please share your thoughts about this epic episode of Yakeen Ka Safar!

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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