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Ye Dil Mera Episode 18 Story Review – Pretty Stagnant

Ohkay so, this episode of Ye Dil Mera had a couple of important scenes to it but nothing major. The pace of the drama has slowed down considerably & there are a few scenes which have started to seem repetitive. Indeed, they are doing everything to cover Amaan’s turmoil & mental state but it has now started to look like there’s nothing much to Amaan & Ana’s track than him manipulating her & she falling for it every single time. I hope when they go back to Islamabad & resume their normal routines, Ana starts showing some growth in her overall personality.

Same Pattern & Pace

This episode clarified how Amaan exactly recognized Meer Farooq the moment he saw him killing his family, which actually validates all the questions the viewers have been raising about Meer Farooq making a mistake of killing Humera’s entire family & not knowing about her son. Meer Farooq clearly met Amaan & they both were properly introduced, so yes, it does look like a glitch that he conveniently missed the detail of ending everyone’s life then & there but not paying the heed to the fact that Humera’s son was not in the car. Anyhow, Amaan has used this time in Daryabagh to recall everything in order to stay focused on how he has to take the next step in exposing Meer Farooq.

When it comes to Amaan & Ana’s personal equation, it was pretty much the same. Amaan telling & showing things to Ana differently only to confuse her further. One thing that was convincingly shown was how Ana’s mental health was deteriorating which was affecting her overall demeanour & behavior. She was just not herself anymore & was finding it very hard to be there, this was something that was portrayed brilliantly by Sajal Aly & her strong performance.

The major development in this episode was the effect that Sahira’s call had on Meer Farooq. It was enough to rattle him & once again, for him, no one else matters anymore but the fact that he can not even fathom the idea of standing with his head surrendered, guilt-stricken in front of Ana – this is what was making him restless. Meer Farooq knows he can get rid of anyone at any given time but the only person that matters to him, Ana won’t be able grasp it. So, Amaan ended his deal with Sahira right after he got all the evidence to prove that Meer Farooq was actually married to her. Sahira does feel trapped but Amaan definitely gave her the right advice that she should just stay by Meer Farooq’s side & not do anything that will make him suspect her. Ali Baksh is being over-efficient but for now he was unable to find any clue but I do feel his vigilance will lead him to something which will put Sahira in trouble later!

It was good to see Nargis Bua, she was trying to move on but was obviously finding it hard to cope with the fact that Ana was not a part of her life anymore. Nargis Bua knows in & out of Meer Farooq, that is why she chose not to stay under his roof. One thing is for sure that after everything will be revealed, Amaan will probably take care of Nargis Bua like his own family member because he genuinely feels for her. Humera & Meer Farooq met in front of Nilofer & he didn’t shy away from making it obvious that he was still not over Humera, maybe this is what she picked up too because of which she decided to leave ASAP. It seems even young Amaan didn’t like Meer Farooq much because Amaan was pretty unhappy with the way he was ogling at his mother. Kids obviously are very intuitive & observant so Amaan obviously picked up on little details & could notice that even his mother was not much comfortable though she portrayed him to be. I must commend Humera for the fact that she didn’t mind leaving her daughter alone with the servants every chance she got? Doesn’t make much sense & doesn’t seem realistic either.

The Story Should Move On

The overall episode started & ended on pretty much the same note, nothing major happened & it ended smoothly. The preview also didn’t really promise much in terms of story development because it looks like Amaan will still be playing riddles & then screaming at Ana only to later apologize to her & then cook a meal for her attentively. The story of Ye Dil Mera is so gripping & interesting but unfortunately, it is not the kind that can be spread over 30 episodes & still be able to hold the viewer’s interest. Stories like these deserve one development after another, one happening episode after another rather than being all about the number of episodes that were used to cover them. I feel it’s high time that they now shift the story to Amaan’s revenge & him putting his plan into action rather than hinting about his resentment. Please share your thoughts about this episode of Ye Dil Mera.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.


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