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Zakham Episode 17 Review – Still Clueless

This episode was full of more zakhams with no marham in sight and ofcourse the nasoor Khalida is still here, still as spiteful and still as selfish.

The play revolved around Takbeer’s meeting with Mehwish and their patchup with Musa’s family which I dare hope will lead to the desired outcome, and ofcourse Takbeer’s father’s death. There was such sadness in today’s episode. First around Takbeer’s vulnerable happiness which Madiha Imam is nailing perfectly. She is portraying every emotion flawlessly as the abused wife who does not know whether she should feel relieved of getting rid of an abusive husband or wait and hope for his return dutifully. The confusion, the sadness, the defeat of fate is etched out in every expression.

Her meeting with Mehwish was also executed nicely. Even though it might seem odd on the surface that she told Mehwish every tragedy of her marital life while standing outside a shop but the relationship that they had shared makes it feel quite normal. She was her best friend so she wasted no time in doing small talk after so many years.

The highlight, however, was Takbeer’s meeting with Khalida. I don’t understand what is Khalida’s agenda. I can understand she is jealous that her brother is lost and Takbeer is all hale and hearty but why she called Takbeer’s father to tell it all, which lead to his demise is quite perplexing, and why was she so indifferent to Fatima, since she is the only one of her brother’s flesh and blood and she can make her feel the most connected to him.

The aftermath of death was shown very realistically on screen. Their were too many tears today but surprisingly they did not seem fake or forced.

On the other hand, Mehwish, Farhan and I’m sure Musa is also having twinges that what could have been is being given a second chance. It is too much for Musa to vocalise his hopes yet but he will get there very soon, hopefully.

The story is quite unclear even till now and no assumption can be made as to where are the writer is leading us. So, the review is again ending on the same note that hopefully next episode will be more clearer.

P.S. I really wish talking on the phone when driving would not be shown as a norm in our dramas.

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