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Zara Yaad Kar – Episode 09!

Ohkay so, this episode of Zara Yaad Kar was quite average & slow as nothing much happened & a divided coverage was given to all the characters to show what was happening in their lives after the havoc the Mahnoor wrecked in their lives.

Haadi is still in a denial about what Mahnoor said, may be that’s why he still has the courage to forgive & forget everything that Mahnoor has done in the past few days. Aneesa knows that from now onward, there will hardly be any such days where she will see happiness & harmony in her life that is why the way she spoke to her son about informing Haadi of her death when the time arises went to show that she has given up & there’s no glimmer of hope left in her to keep her positive about the future. She knows that Mahnoor & Haadi are not meant to be because Mahnoor doesn’t want it, that is why, every time she spoke to Haadi, she kept on ignoring his questions about Mahnoor as she knows that there’s no use of that & her daughter has called it quits.

Uzma was disturbed because she felt that Haadi didn’t trust her enough to tell her the truth & that is why he brought her the sweets to make her believe that everything went back to normal. After Haadi spoke to Aneesa & was forced to do some thinking once again, he realized that he needed Uzma’s help & advice to finally make the decision. Uzma got furious at what Mahnoor said, that is why it didn’t take her a minute to suggest that Haadi should leave her as she herself has left him & it is Haadi who needs to bring himself to face this reality. However, I do not understand why didn’t Uzma once again tell Haadi to forgive Mahnoor like she suggested before & why did she take such an offence at Mahnoor’s demand of divorce?

Waqar & Gaitiara got a lot more coverage this time around & may be that is the reason why this episode didn’t actually work for me. Gaitiara is there to prove that she is different from her father & she will end up becoming an ideal leader to those people who her father has been fooling for so many years. I thought that the whole ‘pyaar’ bit was confirmed & Waqar knew about the feelings that Gaitiara had for him as she wrote a similar note in the previous episode too but once again it was brought into highlight but that entire conversation wasn’t interesting & convincing. However, it did tell us something more about Waqar.

Waqar is happily fooling around with Mahnoor as he know that this is what she wants but deep down he has his sights on Gaitiara & he is waiting for a hint from her in order to make up his mind as to take Mahnoor or leave her. The call that Waqar made to Gaitiara in order to confirm about her feelings went to show that Waqar believes in getting a confession from a girl first & when he didn’t get the desired answer from Gaitiara, he threw a few compliments her way in order to make her think about what was already running through his mind. Waqar is not only an opportunist but he is a very conniving person who loves to play his cards cautiously. Waqar knows that if he will be the first one to confess, he might lose a chance because may be Gaitiara’s father will never approve of him or may be Gaitiara might say that she doesn’t feel like that for him, that is why he wants Gaitiara to be the first one to fall in love, because of which she will not only be able to take a stand for Waqar but will be able to convince her father too. Waqar did the same thing with Mahnoor, where he never really made any promises or never really shared his true feelings with her first, but ended up giving her enough compliments to melt her heart & this is exactly what he did this time around with Gaitiara too. The moment he understood that what Gaitiara said was generic, he gave her a food for thought that he knew will work in his favour. Waqar is quite a calculative person, that is why he told Mahnoor to wait for a couple of days before finalizing her divorce with Haadi & then he spoke to Gaitiara to know what she feels. I am sure Waqar will try his best to get Gaitiara’s answer in next few days & when that will happen, he will happily ditch Mahnoor & will tell her to mend ways with Haadi & not get divorced using him as a reason. I must say, Waqar’s character has been written intelligently & the director has elaborated Waqar’s thought process on screen brilliantly too.

Overall, this episode was quite average & didn’t give us anything unusual or new. The preview however did seem promising so let’s see what more do they have in store for us. Please share your thoughts about this episode of Zara Yaad Kar.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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