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Aangan Episode 23 Review – Interesting!

Ohkay so, this was yet another interesting & entertaining episode of Aangan where it focused on another set of issue which a family is faced with when a baby is born.

Laila has left no stone unturned in letting everyone know that she is owning her baby & literally everything related to him but still it was sweet of her to sit down with everyone in order to choose a name for the baby. I must say the entire discussion revolving around the baby’s name was so realistic & convincing, where a few suggestions were made fun of & then the other few were not upto everyone’s liking. Zaitoon Bano’s suggestion was the funniest because it reminded Abba Jee of Allauddin. It is nice that Rubina has taken a back seat & is giving full authority to Laila so that she can enjoy the right of being the baby’s mother but still the way she gets curious & thinks about the baby goes to show that she might have given him away but he still has a special place in her heart like the rest of her children.

Sadaan tried to convince Hajra the last time & I must say, it was a very powerful & my most favorite scene of Sadaan’s track. Hajra was obviously left speechless but just because she is practicing her right of being his mother, she is not giving him any reason behind her rejection. Sadaan obviously doesn’t seem happy, like he is guilty of doing what he is about to do but then again, I don’t blame him because Hajra has left him with no choice.

Asim’s involvement in this matter was also interesting. Asim is like a friend to Sadaan & even though he supported him, he still warned him that things aren’t going to be easy after his Nikkah. Asim’s comment about Zahid keeping secrets made it seem like Asim was using Zahid for covering up something huge on his behalf but later what Zahid said to Rubina about how his responsibilities had doubled suggested that he was guilty of something? This suspense is quite interesting & I hope it’s worth the wait.

Overall, this episode was interesting but I really wish they get done with Sadaan & Afrah’s track ASAP, even the preview of the next episode suggested that it will be mostly about Sadaan’s Nikkah, so let’s see. Also, what could it be that Shaina wants but knows that her wish won’t be granted? Is it related to her education or may be there’s a guy that she likes but is shy to tell anyone about him? Let’s see. Can’t wait to find out Asim/Zahid secret & why Asim has this upper-hand on Zahid? What has he done? We have been teased enough & I can’t wait for the big reveal. Please share your thoughts.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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