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Bela Pur Ki Dayan Last Episode – Perfect Ending!

This last episode of Bela Pur Ki Dayan was happening as well as satisfying! There were no loose ends and in the end Aziz was punished for his mistakes not by the court but by the Dayan herself! There was a time when both versions of the story seemed real but by the end it was quite clear that Aziz was guilty therefore although it was shocking to hear that he single-handedly killed everyone in the family but his confession put all the speculations to rest. After knowing the truth he lost all the respect in the eyes of his family members and ended up being killed by the same person who he always looked down upon. It would have been wrong if Wajdan and Tasha were killed by the Dayan as well therefore it was good to see them alive in the end. Aziz got the kind of ending he deserved which is why this ending was complete in every way! The Dayan got her revenge and the last scene of the episode in which Rameez handed over the keys to Rehmat was endearing.

Bela Pur Ki Dayan was one of the best horror shows we have seen on Pakistani television. It was intriguing, scary and mysterious. It isn’t very often that a horror show has a strong plot which is executed faultlessly too. Inam Hasan’s script kept the viewers wondering right till the last minute of the finale. The first scene of this drama promised a ride which was going to be thrilling and unpredictable and it never disappointed. Bela Pur Ki Dayan wouldn’t have been so impressive if it wasn’t for Saife Hassan’s skillful direction and Amar Khan’s faultless performance throughout was one of the best aspects of this drama. Saife Hassan directed the horror scenes brilliantly, each one these scenes highlighted his creativity and hard work. The background score was always on point and used intelligently throughout. Amar Khan owned her role completely as Neelo and as the Dayan and never failed to impress. Sarah Khan made her presence felt in a role which didn’t always get a lot of screen time but was crucial to the plot. Shahjahan Rana performed exceptionally well as young Aziz and Rashid Farooqui nailed his role as usual. Ismat Zaidi’s character was sweet and likable but quite sadly she disappeared suddenly and didn’t get any screen time for many weeks. Osama Tahir also did complete justice to his character even when his character didn’t have a lot to offer, he performed well. The actor playing Gainda’s role was exceptional in Sammi and he performed superbly in this drama as well. Umer Naru and Irfan Khoosat both were remarkable as Rehmat.

I am so glad I chose to watch and review this play. I would like to thank everyone involved for giving us quality entertainment which was also different in many ways. A special thank you to all those wonderful people who read the reviews and participated in the discussions every week. I will miss Bela Pur Ki Dayan!

Do share your thoughts about this last episode.

Fatima Awan
Fatima Awan has been a part of reviewit right from its inception. She feels very passionately about Pakistani dramas and loves discussing them in detail. An enthusiastic writer, thinker, and political scientist, constantly trying to look beyond the obvious. Full-time mom.

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