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Besharam – Episode 02!

Ohkay so, this episode of Besharam was great & I enjoyed watching it because it gave us an insight into all the characters & their past. The editing was spot on & it kept my interest alive in the episode right from the beginning till the end. I must say the director & the editors have teamed up nicely & have given Besharam a treatment which makes it a good experience for those who’re watching.

Mishal’s mother Sara has quite a colorful past & she is not ashamed of it. Seems like it is because of a mother like Sara that Mishal has set certain rules & boundaries for herself because this is exactly what her mother’s failed marriages & lack of emotional strength has taught her. Mishal is quite young but she is far more sorted in her mind & has a clear picture of what she should & what she shouldn’t do. Sara & Tahir are still quite bitter with each other because seems like they both went through an ugly divorce & they haven’t overcome the negative feelings they both garnered in their hearts. It was sad that Mishal had to go through such tough circumstances at such a young age because her parents especially her mother was immature & Mishal was never her father’s priority. It was amusing to see that Tahir thought that just having a tag of being Mishal’s biological father was enough for him to take charge of her future & that is why he thought she will happily follow his orders & get married to his nephew Kashif like an obedient daughter. The question that Mishal asked Tahir left him speechless & rightly so because when he didn’t have enough courtesy in him to take care of Mishal when she needed him the most, how can he expect that Mishal will accept his decision regarding the most important thing in her life that too at such a stage of her life where she has become independent & is doing exceptionally well for herself.

Haider’s personality & attitude caught the attention of Asfand Sultan, who happens to be a resourceful bureaucrat. For now Asfand does seem like a person who has a lot of respect for the law & order & he doesn’t believe in exploiting it just because he is at a position where he can mend the rules & play with the law, not sure if that will change but right now this is exactly the perspective that Haider endorses too. I am not sure what the future holds for Haider when he will join Asfand’s political party but if their mindsets & policies will match, they will become a formidable duo.

I liked how they showed us the relationship that Humna & Qadeer share & what sort of a personality Qadeer has. I am sure the detest Sikandar has for Haider will never allow Humna & Qadeer to have a normal relationship with each other. The way Qadeer becomes speechless in front of his parents goes to show that he is the sort of a person who will never be able to take a stand for Humna & won’t be able to support her emotionally & sadly, if things will become rocky after their marriage, it will be Haider who will sign up to show some support to his sister Humna. In Qadeer’s comparison, Humna is quite an opinionated person & doesn’t mind holding back her point of view especially when it comes to her brother Haider. Humna has been shown defending Haider time & again in front of Sikandar & Qadeer too but I am sure, the way Sikandar looks down upon Haider & his family, things won’t be easier for Humna when she will get married to Qadeer. However, the moment Sikandar & Qadeer found out about Haider being in contact with Asfand did fluster them a little bit, because they never imagined that Haider, who they think of as a lowlife goon, can be acquainted with such a powerful man like Asfand, so not sure if that will make them change their attitude towards Haider & his family because as far as I can deduce, Sikandar is quite an opportunist, so he might not do anything to upset Haider as that will multiply his chances of getting in contact with Asfand Sultan too.

Ohkay, honestly speaking, I didn’t find the blooming relationship between Mishal & Daniyal a tad bit convincing. He shows up out of nowhere, confesses his feelings, shows up the second time & BAM! They both start dating. Mishal has been in such a field where getting this level of attention from males is a normal thing & I am sure that being a top model, Daniyal is not the first person who has told her that he can’t live without her. I wish they had taken at least a couple of episodes to show how Daniyal convinced Mishal that the love he had for her was true & how after getting convinced properly, Mishal started taking Daniyal seriously. The things Daniyal said about Mishal also suggested that she has a clean slate & has always been quite cautious about her image because she might be a model but she is far more conservative & rooted for that matter so to see her falling for Daniyal without a further a due wasn’t convincing at all. Also, the way Mishal told Sara that she wouldn’t do the things she has done in her life goes to show that Mishal has been quite careful all her life, so to see her falling for Daniyal immediately doesn’t make much sense to be honest. Yes, she is tired & yes she yearns for a companionship, she also longs for an emotional support as she has kept herself strong for so many years but I don’t think a girl like Mishal who works in such a field where she gets to interact with all sorts of people can be so naive to not be able to see through the true intentions of Daniyal.

The note at which the episode ended was quite filmy. I think before putting her foot on the accelerator, she should’ve questioned herself as to what was it about Daniyal that was forcing her to go to such lengths to prove her love for him. Also, she should’ve done some analysis as to why would a guy who says he loves her would put her & her love through such a test? With that being said, I must say I enjoyed watching the performances of all the actors throughout the episode. There’s a great chemistry between all the actors & that is why they make their relationships & their circumstances look believable & realistic. Atiqa Odho has added this amusing yet innocent charm to the character of Sara & I believe no one could’ve done a better job in a portrayal of a woman in her late 40’s who’s still hopeful about finding the ultimate love of her life. Saba Qamar as Mishal & Zahid Ahmed as Haider are phenomenal & I believe no one could’ve done a better job than these two. I must thank the director for bringing out the best in all the actors & helping them pick up the right attitude required for the portrayal of all the characters that have been assigned to them. I really like how this drama isn’t too unrealistic & not completely realistic too, it just perfectly falls in between & makes it a ‘drama’ that one likes to watch. Please share your thoughts about this episode of Besharam.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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