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Besharam – Episode 03!

Oh wow, it was such an interesting episode of Besharam & I thoroughly enjoyed watching it. I must say that the pace of this drama is a bit too fast which I most certainly don’t have a problem with but the thing that concerns me tad bit is that the dramas that begin with such a fast pace become quite slow when they approach the end, so I really hope that this doesn’t turn out to be the case with Besharam & they end up giving us all the episodes that are power-packed & interesting.

A lot of things happened in everyone’s lives. Where Mishal was totally convinced that Daniyal was her Mr. Right, she found out the truth about him that too at the right time. Like a dear reader last week predicted that Daniyal could be Jamal’s son & that’s exactly what the truth turned out to be. Jamal was a perfect depiction of the double standards of our society because Jamal on his own could get married to anyone despite having a wife & grown up children but when it comes to his kids, he got his son married to his niece & then he didn’t approve of the fact that Daniyal should get married to a model. Just as quickly as Mishal fell for Daniyal, she snapped out of her love for him with the same speed too but the thing that hurt her the most was the comment that Jamal passed about Mishal being shameless. Anyways, I am glad that Daniyal’s role in the drama is over & we won’t be seeing him again. It was actually quite amusing to see that just when Jamal exposed the truth about Daniyal being married, he was still bent on getting married to Mishal thinking that she won’t have an issue with his marital status at all.

I must say, I enjoyed the bits of Sikandar & Haider’s family the most. It was quite amusing to see Haider turning into a ‘heera’ from a ‘ghunda’ for Sikandar just because he found out that Haider not only joined Asfand Sultan’s political party, but he also became an important part of it too. The way Sikandar & Shakira changed their perspective about Haider was quite interesting to see because it shows what a power & authority & a tad bit of wealth can do to people like them. Just a few days ago Sikandar was against Haider but not anymore & not only that, now Sikandar was ready to get Saba married to Haider as well as he could deduce that his daughter will have a secure future with Haider.

Sofia (Fia) showed up & she happens to be Sara’s daughter from one of her marriages. Sofia seemed a bit spoiled in the beginning but as she got more coverage it showed that she was kindhearted too & held her family members closer, whereas when it comes to Mishal, she is super sweet with all the people around her except her family members & I believe she has a reason to feel that way because she has grown up with a mother who was an emotional wreck, who failed at marriages quite a few times & is still not settled mentally & emotionally, so I don’t blame Mishal if she has lost a bit of respect for her mother.

The thing that they subtly touched upon & I liked the most was the way Haider didn’t judge Mishal for the bold photo-shoot she did after breaking up with Daniyal. It goes to show that he doesn’t believe in focusing on things that do not matter to him & more than that, he doesn’t believe in judging people by seeing one side of the story. Also, I was happy to see the progress that Haider made & also, it was good to see Asfand depending on Haider a lot because he has seen how eager Haider is bring a change in his surroundings. Somehow, I really like how they have tried to show a positive side of the politics & it is good that Haider is getting a free-hand by Asfand to do what he wants to & openly practice his policies as Asfand & Haider both share the same mentality & they actually want to bring a change in the society through positivity.

Finally, the hero & heroine crossed paths & going by what Haider witnessed at Tahir Malik’s rites suggested that it must’ve sparked an interest or a tad bit of attention towards Mishal. Quite subtly & unfortunately they shed a light upon the harsh realities of politicians & the mindset they have regarding the models or those girls who choose to put themselves out there in the world to be scrutinized by such people. Tahir Malik couldn’t tolerate what he heard from his colleagues & ended up killing himself because it definitely was the guilt that haunted him as he knew that he failed as a father & just because he wasn’t around Mishal, he lost his daughter due to his own mistakes. I felt for Mishal a lot when she sat in her room & cried at her father’s death, even though she wasn’t on good terms with him but still she knew that she lost her father & she can never undo the note at which they both parted. It was sad that Mishal was pushed out of her father’s home, let’s see how the story will unfold.

I must say I love the way the emotions of all the characters are covered & conveyed by the writer & the director, everything they say & each & every expression of them shows what they are going through & you immediately understand their pain & anguish. I like Haider’s character for his bluntness & honesty, he doesn’t fail to say what is on his mind & that’s quite charming. Mishal is emotionally struggling a lot & that has been conveyed by Saba Qamar flawlessly, however, I found her acting a bit weak in the scene where she had to yell at Daniyal & Jamal, but she redeemed herself in the last scene where she retaliates at her father’s rites. All the supporting actors have done a great job but once again I will say that Mehmood Akhtar takes the cake for being so amazing. I actually had a great great time watching his scenes & those uncomfortable fake smiles that he passed at the things that he didn’t intend to do, lol. I love the editing of the show so far, all the scenes are short & to the point because of which not even a single scene becomes boring & keeps you looking forward to what’s yet to come. I am thoroughly enjoying watching this drama & I hope it stays that way. Please share your thoughts about this episode of Besharam.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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