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Besharam – Episode 04, 05 & 06!

Ohkay so, these three episodes of Besharam were quite dhamakaydaar, intense, interesting & most importantly, done really really well. The writer here deserves all the credit because she not only introduced us to strong main leads but she is actually putting their characters to good use to show how two strong individuals can run the course of their lives in dire situations. I thoroughly enjoyed watching these episodes one after another & the 6th episode went by so quickly that I actually had to check again if I watched the complete episode or not. I am so glad that the drama is so well-paced & you’re left longing for more by the end of every single episode. I was actually quite happy that I had 3 episodes to watch together but now seems like it’s going to be a long wait every single week. :)

Haider saw what Mishal had to go through at her father’s funeral. Haider could see that what Mishal’s brother put her up with was uncalled for. The conversation Haider had about Mishal when he saw his friends discussing her magazine photo-shoot went to show that Haider didn’t believe in judging people but sadly, there came a time when he ended up judging Mishal too. Mishal on her own had no idea that Haider saw her & witnessed everything that happened at Tahir Malik’s house, but just because she saw that a tag of being a politician was attached to Haider, she also ended up judging him.

The 4th episode was all about the talk show that Haider & Mishal attended. Even though I knew that Haider & Mishal were emotional & impulsive decision makers, I actually felt that their meeting & their cross talking seemed a little out of the place & a bit too forced. The writer actually should’ve shown an interaction between Haider & Mishal that lead them to form negative opinions about each other before they met at the talk show because by doing that, the writer could’ve justified all the ill feelings Mishal garnered about Haider. A small conversation that didn’t end well was all that was needed to justify what was yet to come. Mishal was always shown to be as someone who was in check with her sanity & always believed in containing her emotions to herself but the way she acted during that live show told an entire different story. Mishal didn’t seem like herself & she kept on accusing Haider & judging him despite having no knowledge about him as a person. Yes, it was understandable that just because her own father was a politician, Mishal saw every single politician in the same light & assumed that Haider was just like Tahir too but a girl like her who always believed in respecting others didn’t really make much sense by unnecessarily blaming someone she had just met. Haider tried his best to control himself but just when he saw that Mishal was crossing the line, he ended up passing a few comments too which hurt Mishal a great deal. That entire scene could’ve been done well & honestly, I didn’t enjoy it as much as I should have because it seemed a bit too haphazard & sudden, considering how Mishal had no solid reasons to make such personal attacks at Haider. The thing I found quite amusing was how the anchor was being applauded & encouraged by his team for making Mishal & Haider fight as it was earning them the skyrocketed ratings, haha. This is exactly what happens & this is exactly what the main motive behind all these talk shows is.

Mishal’s demand of apology from Haider didn’t really seem justified because if she had considered her own behavior, she would’ve understood that if there was someone who needed to apologize, it was Mishal herself & not Haider. Haider being an impulsive person proposed to Mishal & got married to her then & there. I must say, things started working for me after they both got married because everything that happened before that seemed a bit too dramatic & unrealistic, but nevertheless, it all worked later because Haider & Mishal made it work out. Haider knew that he had landed himself in deep trouble & he was ready to give Mishal a free-hand to choose her path but just because Mishal heard how Haider had no trust in the models, she knew she had to prove him wrong by showing that models can make the relations & the marriages work. Mishal has always lived her life with her head held high because she has not compromised on her values but the thing that pinches her the most is when people paint her with the same brush as they paint the other models with. Mishal is eager to let the people around her know that she is not the typical model that people presume her to be. She is just as down to earth & as rooted as any other random girl, that is why when she heard that Haider had some preconceived notions about her, she decided to prove him wrong by deciding to go with him to his house as his bride. The confessions she made about how she will never leave him alone & how she will never walk away were quite emotional, it showed how eager she was to get the validation from a guy she had just met.

I enjoyed watching Haider & Mishal as a newly married couple a lot as all the thoughts that were running through their minds were making an appearance on their faces, where they knew they made a huge mistake but also had it in their hearts that may be this could work out. Haider knew that he’ll have a lot of convincing to do because his mother might never accept Mishal & Mishal knew that her mother will disown her as she was also an emotional wreck after Tahir’s death. They both were finding it hard to believe what they had just done but were also trying to find the courage to stand by their decision.

As expected, Sikandar & his entire family did the honors of informing Khadija about Haider’s marriage & after Haider’s rejection of Saba, they were looking for a reason to call the engagement of Humna & Qadeer off too, but now they thought they got an upper-hand as they believed that Haider committed a mistake which will now force him to do everything told by them to make things right, but sadly, Haider’s reaction was not what they expected to be as he never really allowed them to dominate his mind & his thoughts. Sikandar & Shakira suggested that Haider should divorce Mishal because only then they will allow Qadeer to get married to Humna, which was actually quite sad. Qadeer did try to take a stand but he needs to understand that taking a stand also requires having an audible pitch too, Qadeer murmured & thought that his parents will lift the conditions that they set but he was mistaken. Khadija also demanded that Haider should sent Mishal away & divorce her because that way, she will be able to save Humna’s relation with Qadeer but it was wise of Haider to make her understand that she was mistaken because there was nothing that Haider’d do that will guarantee Humna’s happiness as he could see through Sikandar’s intentions.

Mishal took this entire marriage scene as an adventure & surprisingly, she seemed content & happy with what had transpired. She was new to all this but she didn’t mind getting herself comfortable with Haider’s lifestyle. She knew that everything that happened won’t allow her an easy entry into anyone’s life but she didn’t hold herself back from trying at least. Mishal could see that Haider was a man of his word & she found that quality of his to be quite charming. Mishal knew that she had to go back because she could see all the problems that Haider’s family was facing because of her, but she was hesitant because she dreaded returning to her old lifestyle, full of responsibilities & full of problems. Haider also believed that sending Mishal away will make things right but even he didn’t want her to go & luckily, what sealed the deal were the questions that the reporters asked which reminded Haider once again that Mishal wasn’t an acquaintance or she wasn’t just a friend, Mishal was his wife now & he had to do everything to protect her. Sadly, Haider’s marriage with Mishal put a dent on his political career & Asfand Sultan didn’t seem too appreciative of what Haider did, but I am sure Haider will make things work, but more than that I am interested to find out how Mishal & Haider will join hands to make their marriage work.

These three episodes were very very interesting because they were directed & edited really really well. I loved the acting of all the characters & have always felt that the way each & everyone acts makes it look like they are actually a family that comes together in good times or bad. However, I will add that I wasn’t a fan of Saba Qamar’s acting & styling in the talk show scene because she seemed quite scattered brained & her overall look was quite tacky but after that scene was over, she was back in her game & acted really really well & looked beautiful too. Zahid Ahmed definitely took the crown because he acted well in the scenes which involved a lot of cross talking. Also, I must say the girl playing the character of Saba has done such a wonderful job, she is always complementing the scenes with her unique expressions, I found it really cute that even though she was heart broken at the news of Haider’s marriage, she looked at Mishal with such appreciation & respect, haha! I must say the chemistry between Zahid Ahmed & Saba Qamar is a treat to watch & they both look amazing together. I thoroughly enjoyed watching these episodes of Besharam & this has become one of those dramas that I look forward to. It’s going to be a long long long wait until the next episode but never-mind, let’s discuss these episodes first. :)

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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