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Daldal Episode 3 & 4 Review – A Decent Watch!

Ohkay so, the story of Daldal has made quite some progress in these last two episodes. I like watching this drama for the fact that it shows the struggles, ambitions & dreams of regular people. It also shows how certain dreams can drive people to do things they wouldn’t do otherwise. This drama for sure highlights the fever that prevails in our society where younger generation thinks settling abroad is the only way to go & that will solve all of their dilemmas while completely overlooking the challenges & hardships one has to face while settling away from one’s family outside Pakistan!

Shuja & Hira got married & the very first thing Shuja conveyed to Hira was that he expects her to stand by him through thick & thin. He expects her to follow his lead & never question back. Shuja has clearly seen that Hira is not only madly in love with him but she is a bit too submissive, so he plans on exploiting this trait of hers to his advantage. Hira’s parents obviously did more than Sakina & even Shuja could imagine & they literally spoiled Hira’s in laws with so much stuff that they never would’ve thought of. It was sad that just in a few days Hira understood that things weren’t going to be easy & reality was much more different to the dreams that she & Shuja weaved about their married life together. The biggest shock that Hira got was when Shuja ordered her to convey his message to her parents. Hira never imagined that Shuja could say such a thing because all this while, they only spoke about living ‘together’ but now she could see that being with Hira was not his priority in the first place.

I like Hira’s character, like I liked the way she spoke to her mother about her in laws & then conveyed Shuja’s message to her. Hira never really said that it was Shuja who pushed her to do that, but she tried to make her mother aware of her in-law’s financial condition, only to convince her mother that letting Shuja settle in London was the only option left for his entire family. Hira tried to tell her mother how hard Sakina’s life was & how they had to do so much to keep things going. Despite being aware of their financial condition, Shaheen & Faraz accepted Shuja but they never would’ve thought that Shuja had an ulterior motive which he would put forth in such an early stages of the marriage.

Sakina is lucky that Shuja takes after her, because then she gets to share her frustrations with him. At least out of all her kids, Shuja is just as ambitious as Sakina that is why he bonds with her so well. I like the way they have shown that Kamran is just like his father, whereas Shuja is like his mother, who only wants more from life & doesn’t believe in settling for what is required to lead a simple & peaceful life.

I like Saniya’s character too. It was good to see Saniya & Fahad discussing their father’s means of income, like they both have grown up & they can differentiate between right & wrong. I think Saniya’s mother is going to suffer from some sort of disease for her husband to realize that no matter how much money you make, it will never benefit you if it isn’t clean. I am not too sure if there was a need to introduce or even add Tamana & Bilal’s track in the story, because it looks like an over-dosage of ‘mohallay ka pyaar’. Also they both are way too young for their track to have anything interesting about it. I really wish they had hired a guy a bit older to play the character of Bilal because going by the nature of his character, where he is shown standing up by his sister, also being Hira’s confidant & being someone who supports his mother emotionally, the actor is a total misfit due to his age, may be this is also another reason why seeing him getting candid with Tamanna left a bad taste in mouth!

Sadly, Hira’s dreams were crumbled when Shuja decided to make it clear to her what his dreams meant to him. It was sad that Sakina ignited the fire & stood there as a cold-hearted spectator when Shuja was dragging Hira out of the house. I really want to see what Shaheen & Faraz’s reaction would be. Shaheen does have a valid point, since she has spent her entire life without her husband being around, she exactly knows what Hira will go through if Shuja will go to abroad, that is why she isn’t in the favor of this plan but sadly, may be she’ll have to budge seeing Hira’s ordeal!

Overall, this drama is pretty basic but interesting. I will say that I like tuning to it because it is a very decent watch but somehow I am not warming up to the characters, like I am unable to put a finger on it but there is something missing from the characters, may be the depth or the insight or may be the director couldn’t really bring these characters to life because right now, they just seem like fictional characters showcasing the struggles of real-life characters but without much connection with it. I am definitely going to continue to watch this drama but I wish I feel something for the characters, like I do understand them & find them nicely written but the treatment is a bit off. All the actors have done a great job, Armeena Rana Khan is a very good choice for Hira’s character & she is doing justice to it. I wish I could say that about Zahid Ahmed too, yes, he is portraying Shuja’s role just the way it was required but I am not too sure about his acting. In the past, Zahid Ahmed has already showcased how fine he can be as an actor when he is effortless at acting, but now he seems to be putting too much of an effort to an extent of over-doing it & that really is hindering him from leaving an impact. Anyways, please share your thoughts about these last 2 episodes of Daldal.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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