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Deedan Episode 12 – Story Review

Opening Thoughts – Disappointing:

Ohkay so, it is amazing how this drama continues to disappoint week after week. The story of Deedan is not only poorly written but is quite bad. The characters have zero personalities & there’s nothing interesting about this drama. I tune to it every week in a hope that things might change but everything stays the same & they do not give me anything special to talk about. The lack of interesting scenarios & strong characters have made this drama a joke. I still am unable to understand why the drama makers wasted so much resources on a story like this.

Badly Written Scenarios & Characters:

Zardab & Resham ran away & the hell broke loose but what I am unable to understand is that they both especially Zardab was well aware of the consequences so why was he hiding with Resham in their hometown? Why didn’t he straight away take Resham to some other city where they would’ve stayed safe for the time being? Zardab did have a friend who helped him but I am not sure what was his brother Dilawar trying to achieve here? He knew that Zardab ran away with Resham so he should’ve just let them be. Why was he so keen on reaching out to Zardab? Even though the actors have tried really hard to stay true to the mannerism of Pukhtoons but their acting is quite bland because it is so obvious that they put all their energies into pronouncing the accurate accent which again seems meaningless because the story as well the characters are bad!

Palwasha made some decisions with the help of her friend Sara but she always falls weak in front of Alam Zeb as he knows how to control her & sway her emotions. Palwasha is simple minded but after being deceived by Alam Zeb time & again if she allows him to have a control over her then she is stupid. Alam Zeb has gotten used to the money that Palwsha makes as well as the luxurious lifestyle that they have that is why he makes sure has is in charge of all the wealth that Palwasha has. Again, this track is so so boring that I don’t see its importance in the story altogether!

It was cringe worthy seeing Resham & Zardab having cheesy conversations considering the fact that Resham was still someone’s wife. What happened with Zardab as well as Dilawar by the end of this latest episode didn’t really surprise me because both these brothers didn’t have basic common sense. In the setting that they belong, they knew really well that they’d easily get killed but still they chose to think of themselves as heroes which they weren’t. All those slow-mo scenes were cringe++ plus there was an absence of the thing known as acting. The director has actually tried really hard to make it all very theatrical & dramatic but he has failed actually. I wish they had used a better sound effect for punches because that’s the kind of sound that you get when you hit a fly with a flyswatter.

Closing Thoughts – Poor Editing:

Deedan has turned out to be a disappointment which was something that I just didn’t expect considering the kind of actors that have agreed to work in it. The editing of this drama is poor too & the story is worse because there’s nothing new or interesting that they’re showing. The director has relied heavily on the locations which definitely are easy on eyes but what can be done when the characters stick out as sore thumb & the story is bad. I wish Sanam Saeed hadn’t made Resham look so glamorous & made-up. In a drama like Sang e Marmar we all saw how the actors stayed true to their Pukhtoon characters by relying on no makeup & basic hairstyles but here it’s a totally different story. Resham’s hairstyles are a bit too well made for a girl who is on the run & her makeup doesn’t budge either which is why it is hard to feel for her character & she is the only one who doesn’t give an authentic Pukhtoon vibe & looks too modern despite trying hard. In one of the scenes where she was running, her joggers were in the frame too, lol. Editors should’ve done their job well. Also yes, Laila Zuberi has so much of experience at acting but it is actually amusing to see her how badly she has acted. Anyways, please share your thoughts about these episodes of Deedan.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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