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Ghayal- Episode 3

In the first few minutes of the episode, when Moiz and Tooba are in the car, we get to know that Moiz wants a quick ruksati but Tooba wants to do her Masters or maybe she says it only because she doesn’t want to give into Moiz so easily.

Adil is playing the creepiest villain ever. He follows Moiz and Tooba to the same shop and cleverly tells the sales person to give him the receipts because he’ll be picking up the bridal dress. I wonder how the people at the boutique let him do that so easily and even surprising was how they said that they’ll be giving Tooba someone else’s dress due to time shortage. Does that happen in real life?

Aamna Apa gets angry at Khadija and again says how Tooba shouldn’t be allowed to go around with ‘na-mehrams’ such as Adil when she learnt that Tooba went home to get Maira’s jewelleries for the wedding. During the drive, Adil compares himself to Moiz and Tooba becomes irritated. Adil smoothly covers it up saying, of course they are only ‘best friends’. A large part of the credit definitely goes to the director for extracting a fine performance from Goher Mumtaz, who is portraying all the emotions and switching between crazy and normal very well.

A family tradition is revealed by Apa where we get to know that in their family, elders believe that one wedding should take place at a time and one bride should get ready at one time and it becomes clear that it was Moiz’s idea all along for an early nikaah and ruksati, not his mother.



Fayez and Maira’s Walima have started, guests are pouring in and the family waits for Tooba’s ceremony to start. What I really liked about the wedding and reception scenes or even the shopping scenes in the previous episodes was the fact that they didn’t actually have sound for the dialogues but it could be understood that all of the characters had a strong rapport and bonding.  All this makes it look like a real family.

Every family member including Waqar and his wife, start getting anxious since Tooba and Geeti haven’t reached the banquet hall from their parlour trip and have their mobile phones switched off. Adil comes just then and informs everyone that none of the girls are at the beauty parlour. He blames Moiz, saying he must have been the one to pick them up.

When Adil and Moiz go back to the parlour, the lady owner says she was setting the bride’s dupatta when the bride told her to hurry up since someone had come to get them. The family thinks of the worst situations such as a possible boyfriend, a planned kidnapping and expect a call for ransom. Adil acts as the saviour and tells Obaid that he’d try and pursue all his contacts to save the girls, all the while giving sly looks.

Khadija falls ill and Aamna keeps going on and on about how bad luck has fallen on them and now they are stuck until Tooba comes home. She comes across as a conceited person who keeps making Tooba’s parents apprehensive. In his distress, Obaid ur Rehman still plays the responsible patriarch and tells Tania to inform Geeti’s parents about the incident.

The episode ends high on suspense, with someone throwing water to wake up Tooba and Geeti, who have their mouth taped up, are tied to chairs and appear to be in some abandoned place.


One detail that I feel was missing and perhaps it wasn’t as significant to be mentioned, was the ‘Case of the absent jora’. Adil’s plan works and Tooba says to her mother that she doesn’t have a jora for her wedding. Then in the last scene, Tooba is shown wearing a red bridal dress which looks similar to the one Adil bought and I’m assuming he somehow made her wear it. It might be clearer in the next episode.

The promo for the next episode shows the kidnapper to be Adil and I wonder how Obaid and Waqar’s friendship will be tested and most importantly, how Tooba will get through this ordeal.

How many of you watched this episode and what are your thoughts about it? Please share.


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