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Khaas Episode 22 Story Review – Brilliant

Opening Thoughts – Realistic & Convincing:

Ohkay so, this was yet another interesting episode of Khaas. Just when I thought things were going on the similar lines as shown in the previous episode, the ending note absolutely changed the entire mood and came as such a pleasant surprise. It is actually quite frustrating to see how Saba’s parents are reacting. They have shown a reality and that too in such a realistic & convincing manner that it kinds of get to me. I want to see Saba happy but I also hope that we get to see Saba & Fakhir sharing a fulfilling life too & not just their union in the last few seconds of the very last episode, which usually happens in most of our dramas.

Salma Is Teaching Ammar A Lesson:

Salma was not only making an impression on Ammar’s family & relatives, but she was also slowly & steadily letting Ammar know the kind of temperament she has. Salma is self-sufficient & emotionally independent woman, she actually didn’t get married to Ammar because she wanted to rely on him, for her it was another adventure & also because her parents wanted her to get married so she chose Ammar based on the relationship they had in the past. Salma is not the kind of person who will be keen to meet Ammar’s expectations, rather she’ll keep on bombarding him with the expectations she has & would force him to meet all of them. Ammar has now started to understand that he doesn’t stand a chance in front of Salma & that things are absolutely different to what they seemed or what he expected. Ammar hasn’t actually come to a full realization but gradually he is also understanding that Salma is quite a rigid & difficult person that he’ll have to deal with. Ammar thought by getting married to a beautiful & smart woman like Salma, he will be able to show the world that he was still capable of finding such a match but he actually didn’t really put much thought into the fact that this entire package comes with a territory!

Salma has made up her mind right from the beginning. She can be termed as selfish but she is someone who is sorted & knows what she wants from her life. Salma is not ready to budge or compromise because she knows that this will set the tone for the rest of her life, therefore she is making a point clear right from the beginning. Ammar has always been hesitant about this entire seperate home idea but the way he informed his mother made it look like he was ready to give it a go & didn’t mind the idea. Ammar made it look like that he was helpless & that he had no choice but to fulfill what Salma was asking in order to make this marriage work. Even though Kanwal couldn’t even imagine it, I kind of liked seeing Ammar in a state of confusion & helplessness. This is just the beginning & I am keen to see Ammar failing at his game slowly. Ammar has always loved making other look bad but Salma is someone who just doesn’t care & this is exactly what she is doing now too. Salma’s mother tries to make her understand that she shouldn’t be so reckless but then she is also a victim of greed that she herself has fed to Salma, therefore she can not do much. The way Salma’s mother speaks about Salma’s ex-husband Sajid goes to show that he was actually a loyal husband who did everything to please Salma but then, Salma still couldn’t help finding faults in him, so she ended up getting divorced.

Saba’s parents are one of the worst set of parents I have seen in a long time. They are not only annoying but the way they are treating Saba like an outcast is absolutely disgusting & ridiculous. I actually thought that Faraz will end up allowing Saba to share her side of the story but he has made up his mind that everything that Ammar said was the truth. I find it mind-boggling that Faraz is choosing to trust someone else over his own daughter that he has raised with all those values. Why is it that Faraz has not even once thought that Saba grew up seeing him treating Sadaf with utmost respect & care, so may be Ammar was at fault & not Saba? I found it sickening that just when Saba spoke about doing a job, her mother reminded her of Iddat but when it came to her proposal, she wasn’t even ready to wait for Saba’s Iddat to be over? It is unfortunate the kind of pressure that is being put on Saba but what’s worse is that everyone expects her to put up with their expectations because they don’t want to take a stand for Saba & are too scared of being questioned by people around. Saba’s elder sister Samreen is another gone-case who dislikes her husband & his mother, but is too worried about the kind of questions they are going to ask. As much as I like the fact that Mehak is showing support to Saba, I wish they had shown Mehak to be a girl probably a couple of years younger than Saba because seeing such a young child speaking about such heavy topics that too which so much depth & intricacy doesn’t really make sense & also doesn’t really go with her character. Mehak seems to be too young to be guiding Saba or talking to her about ‘love’ or the ‘telepathy of people in love’. Yes, younger siblings are a bit mature for their age because they grow up listening to all these mature conversations around them but I still find Mehak too young for all of this!

Saba ended up succumbing to the pressures & she said yes to the proposal that was a no match for her. It shows how sick & tired Saba is with the way her parents & elder sister are treating her. Saba has pretty much realized that no matter what she will say, they are not going to believe her & they will not try to understand her perspective. They all are bent on imposing their ideas & thoughts on Saba but no one is even bothered to even think what Saba is going through. I will say I can not stand Saba’s father Faraz anymore. His weird expressions & the resentment on his face that he has for Saba were off-putting. I am sure they will show a scene or two probably near the end where Faraz will realize his mistake but I don’t think that will be a redemption enough. I am glad that Faraz is choosing to trusting Ammar more, because he is shallow but I wish someone would tell Faraz about the things Ammar used to say about him, lol!

The Proposal:

So, Fakhir made an entry in Saba’s home out of nowhere & things escalated quickly. It is actually quite funny that Saba’s parents are not even considering Fakhir as a potential partner of Saba because they are too scared that the rumors will become true & everyone will then believe that Saba actually was having an affair with Fakhir? This is ridiculous. Anyways, Fakhir just came to show support to Saba because he could feel that she was having a hard time. Saba & Fakhir’s conversation was absolutely sweet. I actually didn’t expect that Fakhir will propose to Saba so early & that too so casually but he did. Fakhir is honest & feels a lot for Saba, he has always been in love with her & he hated seeing Saba go through all of that, so now he thought it was the right time to let her know how he feels. Saba didn’t even mind the things Fakhir said, yes, she was a bit skeptical again for the fact that people will talk but then because she knows that Fakhir understands her so much & that they have a mental & emotional compatibility, Saba immediately started thinking on those lines. Saba knows that her parents won’t agree but it was sweet of Fakhir to give her the confidence that he will eventually convince them. I am so glad that they have finally shifted the focus on Saba & Fakhir’s track too. Plus this entire scenario was such a good change. We have seen Ammar & Salma’s negative track so it was kind of nice to see the fairytale track of Saba & Fakhir. I have always liked the ease & flow with which Fakhir & Saba’s relationship has developed, that is why I liked that they kept the tone same when it came to the proposal too.

Closing Thoughts – Brilliant:

Overall, this episode of Khaas was Khaas yet again. I am really glad that things are moving forward & now Saba & Fakhir are getting the attention as well. As much as I am keen to hear Ammar admit & confess that Saba was right & he was at fault in mistreating her, I am also keen to see Faraz accepting the fact that Fakhir is the right choice for Saba. I hope I get to see all of this soon but I also wish we get to see more of Saba & Fakhir’s relationship & their track unfold in detailed manner. Just like we are seeing how Salma is giving Ammar a hard time, I want to see Saba & Fakhir coming together & showing everyone how relationships based on love & respect flourish & make people happy. Danish Nawaz has proved himself & has done complete justice to his role as a director. It definitely is Danish Nawaz’s vision that Khaas is what it is, even the way the actors are performing is also because the director has made sure to get that certain kind of acting from them. All the actors definitely are doing a great job, be it main actors or the supporting ones. Just perfect. Please share your thoughts about this episode of Khaas.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.


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