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Khuda Aur Mohabbat Episode 13 Review – It Was Magical!

…& the awesomeness prevails. Team Khuda Aur Mohabbat has done it again, this was another beautiful episode that kept my eyes glued to the screen because of such awesome, convincing & power-packed performances. I will admit that this episode had a slow start but then the note at which it ended made it justified because everything fell at a right place & the build up was necessary. This episode flowed like a crescendo, it slowly & steadily took us through Hammad’s journey; from his anticipation, to his moment of glory, to his disbelief & in the end his heart-wrenching breakdown. Everything was woven beautifully & I had a great time watching it. I think apart from a great direction, it is solely Hammad’s character & Imran Abbas’s acting that has elevated the level of this drama. Even though it is a combined effort & for sure each & every single person associated with this team on & off camera deserves recognition & praises but Imran Abbas deserves a standing ovation for such a perfect portrayal & for being such a convincing focal point of this drama.

The day finally came & Imaan literally had to mentally prepare herself to meet Hammad because she knew how important it was & even she realized that to put her aching heart to rest, she’d have to do this. Imaan had so many inhibitions, she had so many reasons not to do anything of this sort but just because the exchange of a few words through Hammad’s letter was just so overwhelmingly convincing for her, she deliberately ended up giving in. Even though Haya helped Imaan in putting things to perspective, but in the end, it was Imaan & her will power to do right by Hammad, which compelled her to do something which she never would’ve imagined she’d do & that was, meeting Hammad personally & having a conversation with him. Imaan has always made sure to spend her entire life the way her father wants her to, she also has seen how much her father has suffered & Molvi Aleemuddin means the world to her but deep down, even she couldn’t resist the power of Hammad’s love because she understood how strong, how pure it was & how much attraction it had, which basically was a result of his pure intentions.

Even though Abdullah is going to get married to the one he has loved all his life, but the way even he seems uncomfortable & lost in his thoughts goes to show that Hammad’s emotions have not only affected Imaan but they have affected Abdullah too because somehow he feels everything that is happening isn’t right. Even though Abdullah has loved Imaan but he has seen the intensity with which Hammad has loved her & because of that Abdullah thinks he is betraying Hammad by crushing his dream of getting married to Imaan. It actually goes to show that the truthfulness of Hammad’s love for Imaan has forced everyone to do some thinking, be it those people around Hammad or those who’re around Imaan but sadly, the one who chooses to stay conveniently indifferent is Molvi Aleemuddin. He is just as rigid as a tyrant who loves to dictate people to save his own pride!!!

Finally, the magical moment arrived in Hammad’s life when he got to know that Imaan came to meet him. That entire scene was just so beautiful & special because both Hammad & Imaan’s perspectives were made clear & their emotions were channeled. Hammad lived through that moment & he experienced so many emotions, where at first he couldn’t believe that he was seeing Imaan & that she made an effort to meet him, then Hammad started absorbing everything that she was saying, trying to understand her point of view while still being hopeful that may be she will accept his love & then in the end, after getting to know that this was probably the last time he will ever see her, he ended up not taking his eyes off her as if he was trying to encapsulate her image in his eyes for the rest of his life. It was beautiful & it was magical. For Imaan, the guilt of Hammad torturing himself was overwhelming, because of which she couldn’t stop her tears. I loved how Imaan while still respecting & acknowledging Hammad’s feelings ended up telling him what she wants him to do & how he should stop punishing himself. Imaan knew this was probably the first & the last time she was getting a chance to pour her heart out in front of Hammad, that is why she told him about how she was raised, basically trying to clear off her father’s name as even she felt that he was the reason why Hammad was pushing himself to the limit. Imaan ended up acknowledging Hammad’s love & in a very subtle manner, she confessed about how his love was affecting her & how she wished or prayed that may be in Afterlife, she will get to be with Hammad as she knew how pure his love for her was. The way Hammad was trying to process everything that Imaan said & in the end getting disappointed at what destiny had in store for him, was absolutely heart-breaking. Throughout this journey, Hammad did feel helpless at times but he never lost hope but this was the first time when Hammad ended up losing hope as he heard it from Imaan personally that she couldn’t do anything & expected him to return to his family. Imaan ended up returning those pearls to Hammad because she knew what they meant to him & this was her way of bidding farewell to Hammad, while still having his love in her heart too.

Hammad had a breakdown because he realized that the answer to his request was a clear cut no. Hammad for the first time not only felt helpless but hopeless too as this time around, it was Imaan who gave him that answer. All this while, Hammad still wished, prayed & imagined that may be things will change, may be Molvi Aleemuddin will change but now, his fears were confirmed that nothing was going to change & he will have to live his life without Imaan & that burden was just so overbearing that Hammad lost control of his emotions. This was for the first time that Hammad questioned his fate, his destiny & everything that was around him because the answer to all his prayers was unfortunately a no, sigh!

This episode was absolutely beautiful. Despite having a slow beginning, this episode ended at such a high note. Sadia Khan nailed her performance & she was very convincing as Imaan, her dialogue delivery, her expressions, the sadness in her eyes & disappointment on her face knowing that she was hurting Hammad’s feelings – everything was on-point. The direction of this episode was simple but done in a way to leave an impact. This episode like all the other episodes also had one such moment which made me shed a tear & that was when Imaan on her way out turns & looks back at Hammad & they both probably see each other for the last time. The song was used perfectly at that point & it enhanced the charm & beauty of that scene. To be honest, I have never loathed Molvi Aleemuddin as much as I did in this episode, seeing him acting as an overly concerned father made me loathe him so much because he had no idea how much he was making a harmless guy like Hammad suffer. This goes to show how convincing Firdous Jamal’s acting as Molvi Aleemuddin is. Now coming to the star of not only this episode but this entire show, Imran Abbas, he perfectly portrayed the emotional transition of Hammad, where he went through so much & experienced so many emotions, it was actually like a roller-coaster ride & thrilling one at that because Imran Abbas acted his heart & soul out to make us viewers feel for Hammad & fall in love with his character. Thank you for such level of dedication & perfection! Please share your thoughts about this beautiful episode of Khuda Aur Mohabbat.

Keep Supporting,
Zahra Mirza.

PS: In the era of 1020p videos, GEO TV has taken a duty to serve as a reminiscent of good old times when 480p was considered to be the highest quality, lol.
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Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.


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