Opening Thoughts – Better Than The Previous Episodes:
Ohkay so, this episode of Koi Chand Rakh was better than the previous episodes because this time around our damsel in distress took a stand for herself. I cheered for Rabail like never before because it was nice to see her being firm on her ground!
Finally Rabail Spoke Up:
Rabail was the one who demanded divorce from Zain because she has assessed the entire situation & is not living in some lala land that Zain belongs to her. He has cheated on her so there’s absolutely nothing left for her to be hopeful about. The way Rabail clearly told Zain off was the best thing that happened in this drama probably for the first time because so far she was pretty fine with being mistreated but she chose not to continue with that behaviour anymore. For the first time Rabail also acknowledged what Umair has done for her & she was right, if it wasn’t for Umair, she would’ve never fought for herself.
Nishal wants Rabail out of Zain’s house. Also, why did they make it like Nishal was finding it out for the first time that Rabail was expecting a child? Nishal clearly heard Gulshan the other day when she was telling Zain to take care of Rabail but now she seemed shock as if she didn’t know about this before. Nishal & Zain’s romance is anything but cute & it has a lot to do with Areeba Habib as well as the way their characters have been executed!
Asad uncle came to support Rabail but Nafeesa aunty continued to sympathize with her psychotic daughter. In that very scene when they were having breakfast Nishal had wavy hair but in the next when she went to see her father she had straight hair? These little things show the lack of attention to detail from director’s as well as actor’s side.
Cringes of The Episode:
The biggest cringe worthy subject that came to the forefront in Koi Chand Rakh was the debate regarding the gender of the baby. Nishal claims she will give this family a son whereas Rabail will give birth to a girl. Wow! Are these guys fortune tellers or what? Gulshan aunty said Allah ki jo marzi as a cover up to her umeed of bhai hamain to beta hi chahiye!?! Zain also had a lot of confidence that he will only have a son, matlab khud beta ho ke kaunse gul khila liye app ne? Lol! Pathetic! Another pathetic scene was Sobi’s request of Nishal sitting next to her? What did she want to do? Count pores on her cheeks or be mesmerized by the layers & layers & layers of foundation that she has caked on her face?!?!
Closing Thoughts – Good Acting:
Overall, this episode was definitely better but I wish Rabail didn’t cling onto the hope of Zain’s return because when she had a face off with Nishal, she sounded hopeful that things will eventually change after the baby!?! Anyways, the acting of most of the cast was better in this episode in general excluding Nafeesa & Nishal. Muneeb Butt has really nailed his character & performed brilliantly. Ayeza Khan has done a good job too. Now that we’re through 20 episodes I hope the story progresses quickly & we get to the end soon because now things are becoming somewhat stagnant & repetitive. Please share your thoughts about this episode of Koi Chand Rakh.
Keep Supporting,
Zahra Mirza.