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Marasim – Last Episode!

Hmmm, I usually tend to procrastinate watching the last episodes of my favorite dramas because to be honest, I find it very hard to come to terms with the fact that a certain journey is coming to an end. Similarly, this time around, I didn’t feel like watching Marasim’s last episode but just because I knew so many readers would be waiting to share their thoughts, I gave it a go. I really hate sad endings & this is why I feel gutted to see the ending of Marasim. I know they’ve kept things real & didn’t bring in those unrealistic twists but deep down, even though this realistic ending seems justified, there’s a voice in my head that says I would’ve loved seeing Daood leading a happy life with his family. But I still believe that an imperfect ending is what has made Marasim a memorable work of art, a masterpiece & for that I am glad I tuned into this play.

This episode was all about Daood, the climax of his journey & his life, therefore he wanted to take those last few steps in order to bind his family together. There wasn’t much that happened in this episode as being a last one, it ended slowly but it was packed with some powerful dialogues that were absolutely touching.

Daood knew he had taken care of Nayab & thankfully for him, he got such an understanding partner, that just when he walked away from her, he knew he had done everything that has made her contented & that is why, he didn’t feel burdened in regards to Nayab as they both parted on a positive note, where neither Nayab nor Daood had an ounce of regret left. At least in this scenario Nayab can breathe & take a sigh of relief knowing that she didn’t for once let her husband down & he was relieved when it came to her.

When Nayab was taken care of, he knew it was Gaitiara who he had to work upon. Sadly, Gaitiara didn’t know what she was going to lose, but then it taught us that life is too small to hold grudges & we really don’t know what the other person is going through. If Gaitiara had known Daood’s suffering, she; as a mother would’ve treated him differently.

I think the last scene of Daood & Gaitiara was done with a perfect intention that just because Daood wasn’t satisfied with the way he parted with Gaitiara, he got a final chance once again to share a few words with her, which obviously changed her as a person, changed her perspective & changed her outlook on life. If Gaitiara would’ve gotten to know about Daood’s death over a phone-call, she would’ve never changed & rather had only blamed Nayab for snatching her only son away from her but just because Gaitara herself got to speak to Daood, she herself saw him losing his life to a fatal disease, that window of blame shut down completely which later might’ve haunted Nayab. Daood made sure to make Gaitiara understand what her happiness meant to him, that is why he remained persistent that he wanted to see her as a bighearted person who had no grudges against those who have passed away, he wanted to see her as someone who wasn’t blinded by the hatred she might’ve once felt for the people around her & also he made sure to mention his wishfulness of seeing her treating his family as hers, his wife as her daughter & his son as a part of her son; Daood.

The ending was heavy & as much as I am sad for Nayab for not meeting a happy ending, at least she moved on with a support of her mother in law & they both picked up the pieces to lead a peaceful life with Unaid as a center of their universe. But yes, to see our favourite character; Daood, suffering & dying within was depressing.

Hmmm, I must say Marasim was one-of-a-kind journey, it was a complete story that gave us a lot of beautiful moments. I thank the writer, the producer & the director for giving us a masterpiece like Marasim. I must confess, I was never ever convinced with Ahsan Khan, Sonia Hussain & Urwa Hocane’s acting but Marasim has changed my perspective. I really wish all these actors opt for such brilliant scripts & get to work with such directors who elevate such scripts to another level. I must say Naila Jafri & Saba Hameed played their parts really well & added such reality to their characters which is commendable. I am glad I watched Marasim & enjoyed every bit of it. Share your thoughts on this journey.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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