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Meray Humdum Meray Dost – Episode 18

I liked today’s episode not because of Haider,Aiman or Sajeela,but because of growing father-daughter relationship. We, finally got to see some beautiful and very cute father-daughter scenes today.Aiman always complained Haider that his father never owned her, neither did he called her “beti”, nor did he uttered a single word that can show his concern for her. But tonight, all doubts of Aiman got vanished.

Sajeela is trying every possible way to win Haider’s heart again and for that she is tending to be as much cheap and desperate as possible. She planted seeds of doubts in Aiman’s head and everytime Aiman rose with a new spirit, Sajeela was there to let her down. This time Aiman asked Bibi about love and longing for someone and the reply she got from her was way more satisfying than her expectations.

From the day Sajeela came back to Pakistan, Haider clearly gave her “not interested” signal but she wants to get him back- by hook or by crook. Almaas tried to talk to Haider about her sister but he didnot pay heed to what she said either. By the way, I am hating how Sajeela is intervening in Haider and Aiman’s life and trying to ruin their relation, I am hating how she is trying to manipulate her sister and compelling her to take a move against her nature and her will and I am literally hating how she is faking herself just to pose herself as if she is the nicest person on earth. Sajeela is so desperate that she even challenged Bibi that she will win Haider back.


Anyhow, coming back to my favorite part, Taufeeq Kamaal decided to make Aiman a permanent part of his business. Aiman,for the very first time,felt that her father really cares for her. But deep down inside, some vague doubts were still intimidating her to not accept her father’s loyalty towards her. And like always, Haider was there to clean up the mess that was in her mind since her childhood. Her mother never told Aiman that Taufeeq never disowned her, it was her who wanted Taufeeq to not meet her.Despite of all the failed attempts by Taufeeq to meet his daugher, Aiman’s mother never gave a glimpse of satisfaction to her daughter by telling her that Taufeeq loved her and always cared for her.No matter how much differences they had, Taufeeq wanted to take care of every need and necessity of Aiman’s but it was her mother who never let that happen.


Aiman loved her mother and since she is living with her father now, she was unable to deny the fact that she has a soft corner for her father too. Now that, everything was crystal clear, she forgave her mother for what she did and tried to forgot the deprivations and longings she went through entire her life because her mother kept her away from Taufeeq Kamaal.


It was really nice to see that just before going to office, Taufeeq presented a car as a gift to Aiman- Aiman was overwhelmed and very much excited after getting a gift from her father. I loved the way how Taufeeq introduced Aiman infront of everyone as his daughter and Aiman felt much more confident as her father boosted up her moral.


Whereas on the other side, Haider was feeling depressed as few seconds ago, Almaas called him Aiman’s uncle. Haider came such a long way with Aiman that he completely forgot the age difference they had ; Now that bitter truth came to haunt him again, he got worried about what will happen next; He was unable to believe what he just heard but still, he gave his honest opinion to Almaas that she should consider Shaheer’s proposal for Aiman; Almaas’s expression were worth watching at that time; She was ashamed of doubting Haider’s intentions.


As Aiman clearly told Sajeela that she is interested in Haider, I am anxiously waiting to see that what will be her next move.Preview of next seems very interesting; Aiman will confess her love which will make Haider upset. Lets see what happens next.

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Rabia Basharat.

My name is Shozib Ali. I have done Bachelors in Media Sciences. Currently Working as an administrator and content writer for reviewit.

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