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Mol- Episode 6

And I shall be telling this with a sigh that all good things must come to an end so our couple had to bid farewell to Sukkur! It’s such a pity because the distinct and calm aura of Sukkur was a welcome retreat from the hustle and bustle of Karachi. Well, I have to say that I am really enjoying the way the story is moving along. I am pleased that the characters are not painted black or white and all the characters have their share of strengths and shortcomings.

Emaan was very much taken aback by what Sheheryaar had to reveal about his engagement because although she was aware of the rift between Sheheryaar and his parents, she didn’t have the faintest idea about Sheheryaar’s engagement. Emaan’s consternation made perfect sense to me because I think that despite Sheheryaar’s reassurances, deep down, she feels that she’s responsible for the strain between Sheheryaar and his parents, or perhaps she feels that she has become an obstacle in Sajal’s way to happiness. I think Sheheryaar should have told her about Sajal when they met in Sadhu Bela because that was the perfect time for him to be honest with Emaan and that conversation in particular was supposed to clear things up. I have to say that Naveen Waqar was brilliant today, and the way the colour drained from her face when Sheheryaar told him about Sajal was done exceptionally well!

I distinctly remember Sheheryaar mentioning his bachpan ki mangni to Imtiaz Sahab. Imtiaz Sahab and Emaan are very close so it’s a wonder why he chose not to tell her daughter about Sheheryaar’s engagement. Also, I didn’t get why Emaan’s mother was so surprised when Emaan told her that Sheheryaar was engaged to his cousin because didn’t Imtiaz Sahab already mention this to his wife in last week’s episode? I know, it’s a little confusing but I felt like pointing it out.

This episode explored a few facets to Sheheryaar’s character. This guy wants everything on his own terms, period. He can’t stand anyone challenging his way of life, be it his parents or his wife. Being possessive about your personal belongings is natural to some extent but Sheheryaar is a little too finicky about the things he owns and for some strange reason, I can actually understand and relate to him. Years of staying away from home, managing everything on his own and making all sorts of decisions, big or small, for himself, Sheheryaar has become a little too self-sufficient. The way Emaan is taking all this speaks volumes about her own character. Emaan is not dumb or overly submissive and I find her level-headed in her approach towards dealing with Sheheryaar at the moment because she can actually understand Sheheryaar’s nature and has been able to grasp that the ‘giving your partner some space’ dictum is what she needs to make this relationship work. I like the fact that Sheheryaar acknowledges and values the fact that Emaan respects his freedom but I just don’t want him to take her for granted and for a change, he should listen and respect her perspective and point of view as well.

Muhabbat ek besaakhta sa jazba hai, mujhay tou shayad iss ka matlab bhi nahe pata. In my earlier reviews, I remember putting forth the question: is Sheheryaar in love with Emaan? Yes, he developed a liking for Emaan and admired her for her intellect and honesty but not once did he claim that he loves her and this conversation in particular suggests that Sheheryaar is yet to sort out his feelings. Also, this conversation went to show the personality clash- Emaan is pretty firm in her faith in the idea of love but I doubt we can the same about Sheheryaar.

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I like the bonding between Humayun and Muraad (I wish they’d chosen some other actor for playing Murad’s role) and I am pleased that they put their egos aside and finally made peace. I liked how Zareena urged Hajra to meet Sheheryaar. I get that Sajal is being kind to her Taayi and I found her ‘request’ genuine as well but at the same time, I can’t help wondering if she has some other plans. I am not sure if Sajal actually wants to move on because had that been the case, she wouldn’t have wanted Sheheryaar to come back because with him around, how would she ever be able to let go of her feelings for him? The way Sajal broke down after seeing Emaan for herself didn’t surprise me at all but I find myself cringing each time a girl on my TV screen compares her appearance with that of another.

Emaan should watch out for Hajra because she spells nothing but trouble! Hajra actually seemed kind and mature to me but the way she wasted no time in labeling Emaan as the culprit was very typical but insensitive of her. I get that she always pictured Sajal as her ideal bahu but she should give it a rest now. Some of her dialogues and gestures gave me a feeling that she doesn’t really want Sajal to move on or tie the knot. Maybe I’m wrong but her plan to bring her son back has something to do with the fact that she still believes that there’s hope for the two (Sheheryaar and Sajal) to get married. For this reason, I strongly support Sheheryaar’s decision to not to move in with his parents but at the same time, I think he should not be so hard on them and at least pay them a visit.

Emaan is taking a great deal of interest in her neighbor’s son and I don’t know if that has something to do with the upcoming developments. I appreciate the fact that Sheheryaar himself urged her to join a school in Karachi and I think the director of the school he was mentioning might have a significant role to play in the future episodes. And how can I forget to mention that Naveen Waqar looked stunning today <3. Emaan is a nayi naveli dulhan and she sure dresses like one! I hope they continue to take care of these details. So, how many of you are watching Mol? What do you think of the latest episode? Voice your views!

Maryam Mehdi


And they are right when they say, 'Writing is a form of therapy'.

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