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Nazr e Bad Episode 5 & 6 Review – So Far So Good!

Ohkay so, these 2 episodes of Nazr e Bad were quite interesting. I really must say that the approach of the writer & the director has been spot on & every single concept or event that they are showing has so much reality embedded in it that you just don’t feel that you are being shown things for the sake of drama. The way the story has unfolded so far goes to show the grip that the writer has on the script. The only fear I have while watching this drama is that usually & mostly 9PM dramas tend to slow down & lose the pace after a number of episodes, so I really hope that isn’t the case with Nazr e Bad. I think if they will slow everything down & will continue to focus on the negativity that Parvez is instigating then this drama will become a little too depressing to watch, so let’s hope they keep things short & to the point!

These episodes pretty much revolved around Maham & Aftab’s marriage & the proposal. While everyone in Maham’s family was happy that Maham was finally going to get engaged, Almas’s family was doing everything in their might to stop that from happening. Almas believes in doing things stealthily whereas Shahista takes the front foot & tries to manipulate things her way. Almas & Shahista have become a formidable team & sadly, Nusrat has no one to her rescue. Sadly even Salma is not thrilled with the idea of Aftab & Maham’s marriage but what’s irritating about her is that she never openly says anything about it, but tries to manipulate her son & her husband to talk them out of this proposal.

Even though I quite didn’t understand why Aqmal was so bent on having Maham around when he came to propose Maham for Aftab but later when he had a conversation with Maham, I then realized that he wanted to be sure because even he was having some doubts in his mind about the rumors of link up between Maham & Parvez. At first I thought that may be Maham won’t be able to speak up because she will be shocked with what she was hearing from her uncle but it was good that she shared her decision that how she wanted to get married to Aftab & not Parvez.

Parvez friend or shall I say his enemy got him in contact with a magician who he thinks can make anything possible. At first, the magician tried to test Parvez as he wanted to see how eager he was but then even though he took Parvez into training, he made sure to get Parvez familiar will all sorts of consequences that he will have to face once he will touch this darkest dimension. The magician showed Parvez the sufferings of his wife & his adopted son & without beating around the bush, he came clean by telling that these are the consequences he is facing for being involved in black magic but just because Parvez is blinded by his obsession with Maham, he didn’t budge & persisted the man to teach him everything that might bring Maham into his life. I think more than the magician wants to help Parvez, he is actually trying to find peace for himself because like he said, this magic doesn’t let one die unless & until the practitioner passes it on to someone. Parvez definitely has emerged as a stooge who is ready to succeed the magician that is why he is teaching him everything to make himself scot-free! I must say all those scenes where they showed Parvez trying his hands on the magic were intense, scary & disturbing but were quite realistic because for the magicians, their first ever playground is usually the graveyard!

Almas decided to speak to Aftab & plant a seed of doubt in his heart against Maham & she was successful in her attempt. It was for the first time that Nusrat lost her calm & decided to tell both Shahista & Almas off. I really don’t understand when Nusrat has seen what Almas is capable of, especially after the amulet that she discovered in Maham’s room, why doesn’t she convince her husband to move to some other place where her family can live in peace & away from Almas & her antics. The way Ateeq reacted on Maham & Aftab’s news was quite amusing, like who is so obsessed with getting their loser son married to a girl who deserves so much better that they end up throwing tantrums at those who choose something better for their daughter?

Aftab’s reaction was something that Maham couldn’t cope up with because she had no explanation & no reasoning to make him understand why she hid the fact from him that Maham was the girl Parvez was in love with. Last week when Maham decided to keep it a secret from Aftab, that was when I knew that this is most certainly going to create a rift between the two. It was good that despite Salma’s attempt of talking him out of his decision, Aqmal chose to stick with his word & decided to have a conversation with Aftab where he could put things into perspective. Aqmal knows that Almas & Shahista are upto no good & they will do everything to create misunderstanding between the two families, that is why he made Aftab realize that he shouldn’t pay heed to all these rumors & should have faith in what Allah has chosen for him. I will say, that father son conversation was definitely the best part of the episode.

Overall, these two episodes were pretty good & so far the way things have been tackled, I am definitely looking forward to what is yet to come. Sadly, Parvez’s family will start seeing the consequences of Parvez’s doings but Parvez still won’t stop because he is so bent on achieving his target, I can’t even begin to imagine when he will stop & at what cost? All the actors performed brilliantly in these episodes too, so far everyone has made their characters seem very realistic & relate-able. All the actors have owned their characters & that is why the chemistry between all of them makes them seem like an actual family dealing with different issues. The direction has been pretty good so let’s hope things continue with the same pace. Please share your thoughts about these two episodes of Nazr e Bad.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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